GTA Online Player Apartments

GTA Online Player Apartments


GTA Online Player Apartments allows players to purchase and use apartments around the city to relax and invite their friends to chill and enjoy the views. The resource includes an optional inventory and wardrobe setting, enabling players to store items in their apartments and change their clothes.


  • Five pre-configured apartments available around the city.
  • Uses GTA Online technology to instance the interior, allowing an infinite number of owned apartments without having to spawn individual interiors.
  • Little to no performance impact for players.
  • Players can invite others into their apartment to hang out and regroup.
  • Optional setting allowing players to change clothes and store items in their apartments.

Preview Video

If this resource sounds interesting, or you’d like to see how it runs in-game :arrow_forward: feel free to watch the preview video.

The preview video shows the UI and a run-through of the apartment system.

Purchase Options

This resource is available for purchase as both a cheap, encrypted version using CFX Escrow, or a higher priced open source version

:shopping_cart: GTA Online Player Apartments (CFX ASSET ESCROW)

:shopping_cart: GTA Online Player Apartments (OPEN SOURCE)


The resource has been built from the ground up to be easily customizable. Including adding new apartment buildings, enabling inventory and wardrobe functions, and much more.
This resource also utilizes a built-in version of DCLS, a dynamic client localization system that allows for better player accessibility.
Click on the images to view their full size


The resource is very performance friendly. When outside, the performance impact is 0.00ms and when in an apartment, the impact is 0.03ms.


This resource is completely standalone and does not require any specific framework.

  • A database resource is required. The resource was designed and tested with oxmysql, any database resource will work, but some code may need to change for compatibility.
  • It’s recommended to use the latest recommended server artifact to ensure FiveM runs correctly.
    Latest server artifacts

If you have any questions, I’m happy to answer them below.

My Other Work

Code is accessible Yes - No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 950+
Requirements A database resource (e.g. oxmysql )
Support Yes

LMAO you keep saying ‘open source…’ I don’t think you know what it means…LMFAOOOO

But Imma support you because that’s pretty dope!

“Open Source” in this context refers to the source code being avaliable for modification (not encrypted by Asset Escrow), not that it is free and distributable. But thank you for the support :smiley:

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