Looking for a great mobile armoury script that works with vehicles based on jobs and ranks ? This script allows you to easily grab weapons from your vehicle instead of having to carry them in your inventory. It’s an essential tool for any roleplay server.
- Access the armoury by opening the vehicle’s trunk
- Grab the weapons you want to add to your inventory
- The stock system will store the data of each vehicle in the database
- Unlimited stocking features are also available
- You can access items and weapons on a job and rank-based system
- Restock the armoury after usage
- The features in the configuration are easily customizable
Supported Inventory
- ox_inventory
- qs-inventory
- qb-inventory
- ps-inventory
- lj-inventory
- ox_lib (if you are not using any above inventory)
-- This function will auto detect the target script that is running
local function DetectTarget()
local IS_ox_target = GetResourceState('ox_target') == 'started'
local IS_qb_target = GetResourceState('qb-target') == 'started'
if IS_ox_target then
return 'ox_target'
elseif IS_qb_target then
return 'qb-target'
return 'none'
-- This function will auto detect the inventory script that is running
local function DetectInventory()
local IS_qb_inventory = GetResourceState('qb-inventory') == 'started'
local IS_qs_inventory = GetResourceState('qs-inventory') == 'started'
local IS_lj_inventory = GetResourceState('lj-inventory') == 'started'
local IS_ox_inventory = GetResourceState('ox_inventory') == 'started'
if IS_qb_inventory then
return 'qb-inventory'
elseif IS_qs_inventory then
return 'qs-inventory'
elseif IS_lj_inventory then
return 'lj-inventory'
elseif IS_ox_inventory then
return 'ox_inventory'
return 'none'
* *
* *
Config = {}
Config.Target = DetectTarget() -- 'qb-target', 'ox_target' or DetectTarget() [Auto Detect]
Config.Inventory = DetectInventory() -- 'none', 'qb-inventory', 'qs-inventory', 'lj-inventory', 'ox_inventory or DetectInventory() [Auto Detect]
Config.Jobs = { ['police'] = 0, ['sheriff'] = 0 } -- To restock the armoury (Only Works if Config.UnlimitedStock is false)
Config.ImageOnMenu = true -- If true, the item image will be shown on the menu(Only Works if Config.Inventory is 'none')
Config.Images = 'qb-inventory/html/images/' -- The path to the images folder, ONLY PNG is supported
Config.VehicleCategory = {
["class1"] = { -- The Category of the vehicle
'police', -- The vehicle that will be added to the category
["class2"] = {
Config.Weapons = {
["class1"] = { -- The items that will be added to the vehicle
[1] = {name = "WEAPON_PISTOL", job = {['police'] = 0, ['sheriff'] = 0}, amount = 10}, -- Job = {['job_name'] = minimum_job_grade} OR Job = false
[2] = {name = "WEAPON_APPISTOL", job = {['police'] = 0, ['sheriff'] = 0}, amount = 10},
[3] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", job = {['police'] = 3, ['sheriff'] = 3}, amount = 10},
[4] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2", job = {['police'] = 2, ['sheriff'] = 2}, amount = 10},
[5] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
[6] = {name = "WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
[7] = {name = "WEAPON_GRENADE", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
["class2"] = { -- The items that will be added to the vehicle
[1] = {name = "WEAPON_SMG", job = {['police'] = 0, ['sheriff'] = 0}, amount = 10},
[2] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE", job = {['police'] = 0, ['sheriff'] = 0}, amount = 10},
[3] = {name = "WEAPON_STICKYBOMB", job = {['police'] = 3, ['sheriff'] = 3}, amount = 10},
[4] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE_MK2", job = {['police'] = 2, ['sheriff'] = 2}, amount = 10},
[5] = {name = "WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
[6] = {name = "WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
[7] = {name = "WEAPON_GRENADE", job = {['police'] = 1, ['sheriff'] = 1}, amount = 10},
Config.UnlimitedStock = false -- If true, the stock will be unlimited and the restocking charge will be ignored.
Config.RestockingCharge = { -- The price to restock each vehicle (Only Works if Config.UnlimitedStock is false)
['class1'] = 10000,
['class2'] = 20000,
Config.RestockingLocations = { -- The locations to restock the vehicle (Only Works if Config.UnlimitedStock is false)
vector4(458.6814, -1022.4894, 28.2769, 93.0602),
vector4(-482.1316, 6018.5972, 31.3405, 317.6908),
Check out Documentation for Config and Exports: README
Buy Now: https://highqez.tebex.io/
Code is accessible | Partially |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 1050+ |
Requirements | ox_lib, es_extended/qb-core, qb-target/ox_target |
Support | Yes |