Submit your ideas for standalone resources

I made a lot of resources, some free and some not.
You can find them here at the end of this post

I’m looking for resource ideas to design, preferably standalone (because nobody has the same framework versions and I spend too much time helping to make resources work when they are not standalone).

Put your ideas in comments and I will make the resources in the comments with the most likes.

The easy to make ideas will be free to download and the harder to make ideas will be available on Tebex at a price between 4€ and 15€ (like my previous paid resources).

I have a suggestion, something more interactive for ems perhaps. Something which allows more steps in the process of reviving someone instead of the usual have a med kit on you and revive.

Something like for e.g. the person was shot, so to revive them, you need to follow these steps in a certain order for it to be successful, such as first taking them to hospital and putting them on an operating table, then you must “clean” the wound and then you “remove” the bullet and then sow the wound closed and dress the wound. Just as an example.

I am looking for better features for the ems job and I will pay for it.

If my suggestion does not get picked, thanks anyways!

1 Like

Your proposal is interesting, although it is not standalone.
This resource will have to be compatible with which framework? (I used ESX years ago but I haven’t used any framework since I have my own, is ESX still the most used framework?)

So from what I see, ESX is the most used and then there is QBcore which came out which a lot of people are trying out. I use ESX. I am however not the main Dev of my server that will be @Metalx69

ok, i will think about it

Thank you :blush:

Can you make a qbcore script where you can customize player hair

Yes, I just need to learn quickly QBcord :blush: