[STANDALONE] Best Parkour & Freerunning Script!

Best Parkour/Freerunning Abilities!

  • Works with Any Framework (STANDALONE).
  • Compatible with Keyboard & Controller.
  • Commands & Logic are Configurable.
  • Consisten Updates & Support!

Go Crazy with your Skills & Make your own Style on your Runs!

Preview: YouTube Video
Purchase: Click for Purchase

You can also get The Adrenaline Pack, that comes with Parkour, Skate & BMX.

Preview: YouTube Video
Purchase: Click for Purchase

Watch how this mod looks like!

Code & Animations are Made By Bodhix.

Support its always open & your Feedback its so welcome! You can request what you want to see in the future!


  • Parkour Games! You can compete with other Players to see who is the Best Freerunner of the City.
  • Training Spots! Get into 4 new Parkours Zones!
  • Contains more than 80 different animations & over 30 new Skills!
  • Parkour! This Real and Funtional with no bugs or issues, here is some moves you can do: Valuts, Wallruns, Hold Walls or Ledges, Climb Ledges or move Left / Right, TicTacs, Lateral Wallruns, Wall to Wall & More!.
  • Freerunning! There is a lot of Acrobatics to do, with variations, doubles or triples, everything you can imagine, choose your Style.
  • Tricking! This is the better way to complement our Freerun while your going to your next Move / Obstacle! You can perform amazing combos with this! Also youre able to choose your Combos with his respective Keys.
  • Ledge Tricks! While your on a Ledge Idle you can climb or do some Tricks!
  • Best & Comfortable way to use (Even if there its a lot to do, its simple to use).
  • Skills / Abilities interact with the enviroment (I write this system amazing!).
  • Sound Effects! I can say if this Script its so Satisfy to Use & Watch, the Sound of every movement make it Addictive!
  • Visual Effects! You can see the a Realistic Air Stella on every movement! (Looks Amazing).
  • Tricks variations! You can decide between Doubles, Triples, even Change your Trick Style! For example, decide between Frontflip or Frontflip Pike.
  • Vaults have variations! If you have height enough you can add a flip to the Selected Vault Animations.
  • Large & Short Vaults! If the enviroment its the right one you can perform a Large Vault Like Double Kong, otherwise you’ll a short one.
  • Trick Distance! You can calculate the distance of your Trick, for example, if you want to get into the next rooftop but its kinda far, you can set more distance / velocity to your movement!
  • Jumps & 360 Jumps! Add this ability to your runs or have fun using them with precision landings!
  • High Tricks! If you dont want to use the Main Flips to discend, perfom a High Trick its the best option to turn down with Style!
  • WallFlips! You still need more Tricks in your run? Try include this Skill on your lines!
  • Landing Roll! You fall limit has been increased, this means that you’ll survive bigger falls by performing a Land**, this its set by default and also you can Roll in your Runs whenerver you want by pressing R / B.
  • Connected & Improved Animations! All Animations are desing to conect to each other! also they are Perfect! So, Forget about Animation Issues or weird looking, ew!
  • Slow motion! The ability to see your movements in Slow Motion this makes the opotunity to record an amazing clips or make your run Satisfy to watch! (Activation: Q / RB) Also you can disable this option on Config .
  • Crounch & Slides! You have the ability to Crounch & Sliding if you are running!
  • Coords & Teleport! This is for those who are trying to get a perfect Run or Clip, instad of gotta go back again to the Start of your Spot, just save the Coords and Teleport everytime you fail (This Keys are configurable in Game Settings, also you can disable this funtion on Config.lua).
  • Configurable! All Commands & Controls are configurable!.
  • Exports! there is no way you got in troube with another scripts!
  • Whitelist! you can set who can have the Abilities adding the Client Discord ID in Whitelist.lua file.
  • Better Writting! I have been working so hard on this code and i can finnaly say that its almost Perfect, this is the kind of work that I would love to get as a costumer.
  • & Much more!

Controls & How to Use:

  • All you need to know for Controls / How & Where to Use its placed on Config file down below!


  • You can Modify Controls, Turn the Script Whitelisted, Parkour parameters and the most huge and important thing its that you can Super Costimize How, Who or Where the Parkour Mode can be Activated, this open a lot of possibilities for your own Roleplay desired experience.

Config File

--<!>-- BODHIX | STUDIO --<!>--  

-- Controls References:    https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/#c
-- Support & Feedback:     https://discord.gg/PjN7AWqkpF

--I HIGHLY Recommend STAY with Default Keys / Controls, SPECIALLY if you play on Controler.
--Also Parameters Options are meant to be this Value, there is no reason to modify but still there is the option.

--Enjoy! -Bodhix

config = {

JumpsHeight       = 8.0,        -- How High Character can jump on Tricks (8.0 By Default I do not recommend change this Value).
VaultsHeight      = 8.0,        -- How High Character can jump on Vaults (8.0 By Default I do not recommend change this Value).
HighTricksHeight  = 7.0,        -- How High Character can jump on High Tricks (7.0 By Default I do not recommend change this Value).
WallrunHeight     = 4.0,        -- How High Character can jump on Wallruns (4.0 By Default I do not recommend change this Value).
WallFlipsHeight   = 8.0,        -- How High Character can jump on Flips (8.0 By Default I do not recommend change this Value).
MaxFallHeight     = 30.0,       -- Max High Character can Survive (30.0 By Default).
CanSlowmo         = true,       -- Toggle (true/false) if you want that Client can perform Slow Motion Ability (Key Q / RB).
ShowScore         = false,      -- Draw Score EveryTime.
ActiveWhitelist   = false,      -- Toggle (true/false) if you want active Whitelist function (Modify in Whitelist.lua).
Stamina           = 100,        -- Set the Stamina you want in Parkour Mode (1.0 its the Default).
RunningSpeed      = 1.3,        -- Set the Velocity your Player will run (Only when 'RunSpeed' its pressed, 1.0 its the Default).
Language          = 'English',  -- This can be changed to Supported languages: 'Spanish', 'French', 'Korean', 'Russian', 'Arabic', 'German'.

--Activation Keys
HoldKey           = 137,        -- Caps / A (This is the Button/Key you need to hold for activate).
ActiveKey         = 19,         -- ALT / PAD DOWN (This is the Button/Key you need to Press while ur Holding "HoldKey" for activate).
Alternative       = 327,        -- F5 (This is an Alternatve Key for activate specially for Keyboard).

--Freerunning Keys
PassiveKey        = 22,         -- SPACE / X (This is the Button/Key you need to hold for Front / Side / Gainer / Cork).
FrontFlip         = 32,         -- W / JOYSTCIK UP (Use while Holding the 'PassiveKey' to perform, also Hold it for Doubles if there is enough Height).
SideFlip          = 34,         -- A / JOYSTCIK LEFT (Use while Holding the 'PassiveKey' to perform, also Hold it for Doubles if there is enough Height).
Gainer            = 35,         -- D / JOYSTCIK RIGHT (Use while Holding the 'PassiveKey' to perform, also Hold it for Doubles if there is enough Height).
Cork              = 33,         -- S / JOYSTCIK DOWN (This is the Button/Key you need to Press While Pressing the 'PassiveKey' to activate).
HighTricks        = 25,         -- RIGHT CLICK / LT (This is the Button/Key you need to Press / Hold for activate).

--Tricking Keys
Tricking          = 23,         -- F / Y (This is the Button/Key you need to Press for Tricking also this is the same key for Arabian/Double Arabian).
Fly               = 140,        -- R / B (This is the Button/Key you need to Press for Task While Tricking).
BackFull          = 22,         -- SPACE / X (This is the Button/Key you need to Press for Task While Tricking also this is the same key for Full to Back).
BackStep          = 73,         -- LSHIFT / A (This is the Button/Key you need to Press for Task While Tricking).
Arabian           = 23,         -- F / Y (Only When you are into a Tricking Combo).

--Parkour Keys
Parkour           = 24,         -- LEFT CLICK / RT (Use to Mid, Mid-High, High and Bigger Walls to do Vaults, Fast Climbs and Wallruns).
LandRoll          = 140,        -- R / B (Use While falling from a Big Falls and After any Trick to do your Runs with Flow and more Smoother).
WallFlips         = 38,         -- E / LB (Use in Any Forward Wall to perform a WallFlip).
TicTac            = 38,         -- E / LB (Press the Key while holding 'Parkour Key' when wall its on Left or Right for TicTacs and Lateral Wallruns).
Accuarcy          = 38,         -- E / LB (This is the Button/Key you need to Press While Pressing the 'PassiveKey' to activate).
PressLanding      = 26,         -- C / Right Stick (Only While Performing any Trick Animation). 
Slide             = 26,         -- C / Right Stick (Only While Player its running).

--Ledge Keys
LedgeJump         = 22,         -- Space / X (Only when Player its on Ledge Idle Animation).
LedgeBackFlip     = 140,        -- R / B (Only when Player its on Ledge Idle Animation).
LedgeFrontFlip    = 23,         -- F / Y (Only when Player its on Ledge Idle Animation).
LedgeCastaway     = 38,         -- E / LB (Only when Player its on Ledge Idle Animation).
LedgeClimb        = 21,         -- Shift / A (Only when Player its on Ledge Idle Animation).
LedgeStop         = 47,         -- G / DPad Left (Only when Player its on Ledge Idle Animation).

--Extra Keys
SlowMohKey        = 44,         -- Q / RB (You can use this anytime).
Variations        = 24,         -- Right Click / RT (Hold 'Variations Key' and 'PassiveKey' at the same time, then while holding, Press the Trick Key).
Velocity          = 38,         -- E / LB (Use while performing a Vault or Trick to more Velocity or Distance to the Stunt).
SpeedBoost        = 47,         -- Run Faster for 3 seconds (Boost recharge scoring points).


Activities = {

    BeachCoords = { x = -1761.3423, y = -762.6474,  z = 25.7310,  heading = 59.0 },  
    BuildCoords = { x = 164.7125,   y = -67.8510,   z = 92.4993,  heading = 111.0 }, 
    DocksCoords = { x = 316.1499,   y = -3039.1300, z = 26.3422,  heading = 180.0 },     

Parkour = {

    PKPeds = {
            PKPosition = vector4(Activities.BeachCoords.x, Activities.BeachCoords.y, Activities.BeachCoords.z, Activities.BeachCoords.heading),
            PKModel = `a_m_y_musclbeac_02`,
            PKScenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_BINOCULARS'
            PKPosition = vector4(Activities.BuildCoords.x, Activities.BuildCoords.y, Activities.BuildCoords.z, Activities.BuildCoords.heading),
            PKModel = `cs_beverly`,
            PKScenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_PAPARAZZI'
            PKPosition = vector4(Activities.DocksCoords.x, Activities.DocksCoords.y, Activities.DocksCoords.z, Activities.DocksCoords.heading),
            PKModel = `cs_dom`,
            PKScenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_SEAT_LEDGE'

function GetActivitiesConfig()
    return Activities
exports('GetActivitiesConfig', GetActivitiesConfig)

function GetParkourConfig()
    return Parkour
exports('GetParkourConfig', GetParkourConfig)

Check out more of my Work:

Code Is Accessible No (Config Only)
Subscription-Based No
Lines +3000
Requirements Any Framework
Support Yes

Looks pretty cool, just curious if its possible to have a whitelist option so not everyone can do it you know?

There is no Whitelist at the moment, but it will. UPDATE: I Just Add Whitelist to my Script.

1 Like

Awesome glad to hear man

This is pretty awesome, how does it compare to the other parkour scripts though? like wallrunning for example clips you into walls with the other scripts

1 Like

They gotta try by themselves, I’ll open a test server tonight:)

Did you end up opening the test server?

1 Like

Trying out now!

1 Like

Been playing with it, it’s very exploitable like the other parkour scripts but I couldnt work out how to wallrun as well

Its not exploitable, but if you really find an issue, let me know what is it? its gone to be fixed in a sec, btw wallrun its Left Click on a wall


Go to your Assets of Keymaste: https://keymaster.fivem.net/asset-grants
Youll find Freerunning By Bodhix Asset, then Click Download

bro no any files in access grands can you send it in email

I can resend the asset, but i need the Name of the account where you make the purchase

Best Parkour/Freerunning Abilities!

:pushpin: UPDATE:

  • Optmization Improvements!
  • Better Performance & Logic!
  • New Custom Config Options!
  • Large Vaults Detection & Variations!

can you die if you fall from a certain height?

Yeah, if u fall out of height limits (are increase on parkour mode), your character will die

just the 3 scripts in 1 and you sell it…