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Over 30 New Fight Animations.
New MMA Huge Stadium MLO.
New Karate Amazing Dojo MLO.
New Boxing Spot Scenario MLO.
Contains 3 Different Fight Styles.
New Fighting Abilities!
New Dogging System! You can decide to Doge Back, Left or Right.
Sound Effects! You’ll enjoy your movements with Fight sound effects.
Better Writting & Optimized.
Constant Updates & Support.
I Care about all my work, thats why on every single content of me, you will be receiving constant updates & improvements, until everything get perfect for all of you, this is reflected in the quality of work you see.
Yes, works with NPC’s.
Of course! ill make it better looking to perfect match a hit anytime, also im making great sound effects.
Yeah, you can remove any MLO, the only problem its the NPC Spawn, but down worrie, actually this need to be configurable so ill make a configurable file for it in a few hours.
About the Knock out, should not be any problem with your script, but if it does, i will be able to support u anytime:)
when you put the script in does every player automatically have all the abilities or they have to go and learn them?
what if you have a gym script that increases players strength and a knock out script will they work with that? would the moves be like stronger? just curious