[STANDALONE] Best Basketball Script!

Ultimate Basketball Script!

  • Works with Any Framework (Standalone).
  • Consisten Updates & Support!

Go Crazy with your Skills & Become the best Player in Basketball!

Preview: YouTube Video
Purchase: Click for Purchase

Watch how this mod looks like!

Made By Bodhix.

Support its always open & your Feedback its so welcome! You can request what you want to see in the future!


  • New Basketball Animations.
  • New Ball model.
  • Single Mode & PvP.
  • Real Ball Stoles & Routes.
  • Sound Effects.
  • Better Writting & Optimized.
  • Constant Updates & Support.

I Care about all my work, thats why on every single content of me, you will be receiving constant updates & improvements, until everything get perfect for all of you, this is reflected in the quality of work you see.

Check out more of my Work:

Code Is Accessible No (Config Only)
Subscription-Based No
Lines +1500
Requirements None
Support Yes

Amazing script


bodhix cant be stopped!! i need dunkin and lay ups bro dont leave no space for people to take your work and make it better


and passing

1 Like

Amazing all you need is passing and a 2vs2 or 3v3 this would be next level


This is max of 5v5 Players! So yeah you can actually do that:)

Can we see the config? Is it possible to do solo games as well?

  • the script also overwrites gun-butting animation when you reload your weapon
  • the dribbling has no animation… the ball just moves up and down
  • the basketball is also changing textures for no reason
  • the script uses Javascript notifications that pop up outside of FiveM
  • fx version is outdated (bodacious) but latest is cerulean

For $120CAD… I was not expecting so many issues right out of the box. Are these being worked on?

I can provide clips here if needed. There are no error prints on client or server side. Which is why its… kind of concerning if this is how it was intended to be.


  • Animation isnt overwrited, the Key is the one that uses the same as reload, and it ONLY Works when youre in a Basketball Match.
  • There is the dribbing animation, as you see it in the video and is there, everyone can see it.
  • The ball changes textures only when you player isnt near to the ball, and it shows up the LOUD original textures, easy to fix, easy to remove, easy to understand.
  • The is No reason to the menu pop up outside FiveM, its writed to pop up if your in game and on the marker, if you having this problem you could just go to the support channel and tell me whats making that happen inteas of waste time in a Post, it could be Fix it in the exact same hour.
  • fx version doesnt not matter in this Script, you can just change the name to cerulean just like that.

About Price, Im ofering features that no one has done and an original Basketball Script and also doing consistent updates to ALL my Scripts, adding comunity request, addons and fixes all the time, If most of the other devs/sellers doesnt not do that, I invite you to come to the DC provided on the Store, and help us get this even better, Thank you.

  • Reload Animation/Keybind Sync:

I was in a basketball match. No one else on the server was. They reported it as an issue to me even though they weren’t part of the match I was in. Something to do with onesync maybe. Anytime an active match is happening it affects the entire server.

If this cannot be fixed then please add option to change default keybind for everyone, so they don’t have to constantly ask us about this problem, then we have to tell them every time to go to keybinds settings.

  • cerulean will cause the Javascript notification error because of:

  • Animation bug when Dribbling (also happens with regular MP Ped):

The dribbling animation also sometimes starts playing for other players on the server who aren’t even in the match either.

  • Please add option to turn off debug prints.

With the new update, pushing E to start the game just freezes screen with mouse cursor. No errors.