Parkour & Freerunning Script can get Better?

I have been Working on the Best Parkour & Freerunning Script its Possible, and its almost on his last stage, probably most of the things you can imagine are already on the Script, but if dont, i really want to hear your suggestions to get the script even better!

The reason of this Post its that i want to move on to the next setp of this Script, this mean Parkour Activities, Missions, etc, before that i want to make sure that its complete, at the moment I have added a lot of Tricks & Parkour Movements, for me its complete, everything based on what i personal know about Parkour, but i would like to hear the comunity, what you guys think should be added or what do you guys want to see on a Parkour Script.

Continuing the discussion from [STANDALONE] Best Parkour & Freerunning Script!:

A post was merged into an existing topic: [STANDALONE] Best Parkour & Freerunning Script!