[Release] No Exploding Pumps

No Exploding Pumps


Click here if the video above doesn’t work. (Youtube)


Are you tired of people driving into pumps blowing themselves and everyone around them up? Well, then you’ve come to the right place!

No Exploding Pumps is a simple resource that removes the ability for pumps to blow up. You no longer need these ymaps with countless poles around the pumps to protect them.


Direct download: no_exploding_pumps.zip (2.1 KB)

Some of my other scripts:
[Standalone] [Paid] Sit Anywhere
[Standalone] [PAID] Slash Tires
[Standalone] Crutches
[Release] Telescopes


very cool, will miss ppl dying to these :rofl:

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very cool, thanks!!


Great, thank you!


Great release but I feel like its one of those essential parts of GTA that needs to be enabled haha

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Love this idea. Will kinda miss the calls for FD/EMS when idiots run into the pumps but def will not miss all the times where children (or adults who might as well be children) crash into them on purpose for “fun”

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Wonder if you could instead of getting rid of the explosions maybe make the pumps leak gas so it has a high probability of still starting a fire minus the explosions.

It might be something like this:

        <Item type="CExtensionDefParticleEffect">
          <offsetPosition x="0.00000000" y="0.00000000" z="0.21691910"/>
          <offsetRotation x="0.00000000" y="0.00000000" z="0.00000000" w="1.00000000"/>
          <fxType value="2"/>
          <boneTag value="16546"/>
          <scale value="1.00000000"/>
          <probability value="30"/>
          <flags value="6"/>
          <color value="0xFFFFFFFF"/>

Idk why in my head I read that as “shit petrol” but maybe its not me

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Hm… it’s worth experimenting with, I’ll take a look at it and see if I can’t make something cool.

If other people use this in their resources, do you give permission as long as they credit back to this forum post?

Sure! As long as you give credit I’m all fine with it. :+1:

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That is cool resource.Thank you

doesnt work with guns

What do you exactly mean by that? No weapons should blow the gas pumps up… The gas pumps might get destroyed, but shouldn’t explode. If you are firing an RPG at it then sure, the RPG round will explode, but not the gas pump itself.

Here is a video of me dumping 1270 rounds onto a gas pump with no explosion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udy1cQGPm44

i show my ap pistol and it blew up which is weird

ill try again

ok so it was just one in sandy that exploded

Oh, that’s still odd, which one is it? Maybe I’ve missed a model or something.

its these 2 right here :slight_smile:

the ones at grove street also blew up for me

If you are using gabz’s esbltd then it won’t work at that location. Gabz uses his own model there (copy of an gta model but with a different texture). I’ve so far been unsuccessful when attempting to overwrite the denis3d_prop_gas_pump.yft file (not working 100% of the time issues).