[Release] InteractionMenu

Why when i cuff someone they still use the gun and shoot with cuffs on them how do I fix that

Go to the clinet.lua at line 51 and add that into that area

can you take photo of it so know what have to do my discord is Darklord#2494

@Scott1 So I have seen that you have responded to people wanting that change the button of the Deploying Spikes but how would you make it so instead of using buttons like the ALT+UP to another button in the Menu to deactivate them. Having to leave the menu just to hit ALT+UP is annoying and the rest of my community agrees. I have done this but don’t know how to get the button to despawn the spikes. Any help?


@CODFR You would need to check for Ace perms (via a server event) then make sure that they have them when executing the /onduty command

Go here and add an additional control to disable, get the control id from here

@SnowInHD What you may be able to do is directly run the function RemoveSpikes() from the menu item, otherwise, you could using events to trigger the function

how do i give permissions to others if they want to be a leo in my server

What permission setting (Config.LEOAccess) do you have for your LEO Menu??

ive only got 2 things wrong with this menu 1: when selecting things using the arrow keys its to buggy sometimes you skip several things then you gotta go back

2: when using the riot shield from the leo menu you can literally push a car with ease. would like to see these things ironed out to make more efficient, other than than this is an A1 menu :slight_smile:

also when someone runs over a spike strip would like to see the tire popping sound implemented apart from when the tires destroy themselves which also needs to be dialed down a tab bit they destroy way to fast

i put it on onduty command and when they put it in it only says no permission

Are you executing the command correctly?
/onduty leo or /onduty fire

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yes my friend is doing it and it says no permissions or what ever

What does it say exactly? Got an image?

Nope as my friends arent on and you know for the police cars how do i put it so the sirens is Q because when i press q radio comes up

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SEM_InteractionMenu doesn’t manage or modify how the siren control works for emergency vehicles, I would recommend checking out this for that.

omg thanks so much you saved me alot of time been looking for that for ages thanks!!!

and when i click f5 fir Sem_InteractionMenu it does not come up?

Did you set the menu to open with F5 if so, are you getting any erros (Press F8 to open your client console)?

its working now and when i added that els sirens it made my police cars super fast like they are kitted up and the rest of the cars are fine its just emergency ones