[Release] InteractionMenu

i have the same issue, Mitch

Chucky adding ace perms isnt hard create a perms.cfg file and do in menu.lua

if IsPLayerAllowed(source, "onduty") then
"you code here"

or you can do
if IsPLayerAllowed(source, "onduty") then
"you code here"
else exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert("error","you are not whitelisted for this") end

for someone who has no idea how to code really, how would i go about adding a whitelist for the leo/fire part?

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Quick Suggestion:
-Add a button in the LEO menu to toggle a radar (could use Wraith as an example and allow it to be customised)

I downloaded your script I did not modify anything I have no error and when I press M it does not work

I put it into my server and it worked at first then i went to modify it and then it didnt work. So then i re-downloaded and put in a new fresh install (config nor modified) and yet didnt work both on command and button didnt work?

Maybe you have another script conflicting with M, try changing it in the config to 166 that would be F5

Make sure you’ve added ensure SEM_InteractionMenu in you server cfg

In the Config.lua you are able to select which type of requirements you need to use the LEO or Fire sections. Look for LEOAccess and FireAccess.

If you do it using ace you would have to give a ace group or individual then permissions, looking like this:

add_ace group.police sem.leo allow
add_ace group.police sem.fire allow

This would give group.police permission to use both LEO and Fire. You can then use a resource to connect discord roles to ace permissions so it is all based on discord roles.

Check the config and read the options there might also be something else that may suit you better.

Hey Scott, how would i go about making a change to make a button to delete the spikestrips?

@ThxRealCake I’m currently waiting for permission to use Wraith’s radar, so hopefully, that will be coming soon!

@Ivanmodz When starting the resource or trying open the menu do you get any errors, if so could you state those or send a screenshot.

@Hayden_Williams If you go to line 185 in the clinet.lua you will see

if (IsControlPressed(1, 19) and IsControlJustPressed(1, 27)) and GetLastInputMethod(2) then

If you wish to change the button then you need to change the values of the IsControlJustPressed(1, x) you can find those values here
If you wish it to be one button then change it to …

if IsControlJustPressed(1, x) and GetLastInputMethod(2) then

then add whatever key you want to activate it

Awesome, thanks!

does anyone have a fix for this graphic glitch.

It happens when you have a lot of add on vehicles and you spawn them in. i think the menu is not deleting them properly since the graphical issues fixes itself when the script gets restarted. happens around 15 different cars that get spawn there is no problem if you only spawn 1 car in over and over

I’m not 100% sure but if you have spawned in a lot of addon vehicles then it may be an issue with your PC not being able to load the textures

i am spawning in alot of vehicles. but i only have one spawned at the time. my pc can handle it the problem is the menu keep it loaded after it get deleted or replaced. if i spawn the same cars through vmenu there is no problem at all i can even spawn 3 times more at still no problems. i dont know what the problem is but it seems to be happening with almost alot of different menues

i dont know if this somehow cashes the vehicle and the does cleares it after it was used


I have done some more testing. it is not that the car issent getting deleted correctly. testet that with multiple scripts with same result. it is something with the way it gets spawned.

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If you have multiple resources running the same function is a bad thing period you should only have one vehicle spawn menu at most to avoid these kinds of issues (aside from vmenu)

Hey, So I am trying to find the section where I set the ‘Onduty’ password. When Im in game, I try to set it to Onduty. It says invalid password.

There is no password for the onduty command, only the department which you would like to go onduty for so either leo or fire

Every time I switch keybind it breaks. Trying to do F3(170) but doesnt work. Then when I switched back to M it is not broken and I have to re install the resource

Do you get any errors, if so what?