[RELEASE] Flashbang

Hello and I have decided to release the flashbang I did a few days ago. I initially created it to keep but I have no use for it now. Hope you enjoy it as much as other say they have enjoyed it.

I do not do videos so you are just gonna have to install it and check it out for yourself.

Do not download this unless you know C# / Visual Studio

Download this for a drag and drop packaged resource


  1. Download the resource. (NOT THE SOURCE CODE).
  2. Place the resource inside of your resources folder.
  3. Add the resource name to your server.cfg (start resourcename)

Using the flashbang

  1. Spawn into the server.
  2. Give yourself the weapon named (WEAPON_FLASHBANG)
  3. Throw it

Known Bugs

  1. Weapon is named Tear Gas (I don’t know metas well enough to fix it)
  2. Weapon has smoke on it when thrown (It is another part that I have no idea how to fix)
  3. Weapon has a timer to hold it (No idea how to fix that either)
  4. When restarting the resource it may throw an error trying to give yourself WEAPON_FLASHBANG. I think it is caused by the metas being reloaded. There really should be no reason to restart the resource.


Do you have a video?

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No, I usually don’t do videos. I never was gonna release this as it was just in my stash of stuff for FiveM.

Now that I have no use for this I just decided to release it so I never had a chance to catch the gifs I had a while ago for it. Gyazo disabled them after a period of time. I just don’t have time to go in-game to do anything at the moment.

It has screen effects, explosion effects, uses explosion sound, does no damage, ragdolling. Pretty basic resource for a flashbang.


I actually found a couple gifs from my first iteration of it using a baseball. Everything is the same except for the baseball. Sorry about that first response. I had to go find someone on discord I sent it to and use that link.


Thank’s for the release xander!


Oh i’m terrible and forgot all about looking into that model - at least it’s tear gas now.

My b, Xander D:

:smile: All good. I went back and switched the meta off the baseball and also allowed it to stack flashbangs now.

Ammo is the smokegrenades ammo as well.

I let people use this for like a week and had no complaints so hoping there is no major issues that nobody found.


No comments in the source code x-x you devil.

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What line are you ragdolling the character? I’m not seeing it.

Edit: 47: I see it.

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Line 47 in the Client Main.cs

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Suggestion: Add a shakegameplaycam, possibly instead of ragdolling the player.

Make it more of a stunning effect


I might. I am not sure if I am gonna edit anything else on it. I haven’t really wanted to do anything code related in a while.

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Well I’m glad you did release it sir. I would love to rummage through your unreleased FiveM stuff :wink:

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Maybe I should continue working on the fire resource I was working on? Who knows I am lazy.


so this is an addon or does it change the weapon_smokegrenade ?

Oh okay, so now it’s mixed between smoke and a bang as i can see :p… but good work none the less

great work, happy to see your back releasing xander

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It uses the smoke grenade meta but it creates its own weapon spaened by WEAPON_FLASHBANG.

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I like it now I gotta go get a flashbang model!

There was one released for GTA IV. I just dont wanna put too much effort into this.

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