what exact version of EUP is it? the newest with the corona masks?
Me too man. I paid the argentum and can’t use EUP. If you fix it let me know how pls and same to me.
when did you pay?
I paid on thursday. I can change my sv name color but can’t install EUP.
i can test in a few minutes.
do you have nativeui
what EUP version is this? 8.1?
just use this one
Yeah I’ve got it and still not working
check if they are named properly
Does anyone know how to bind /eup for only police? i didnt found it in the comments becuase there are nearly 1200 comments. hope for help thanks
I have made an adjustment in eup-ui so that there is an ESX restriction on who can open and use EUP. This is now set for the police. You must be employed as an agent to do /eup.
Below the code and download.
ESX = nil
local PlayerData = {}
while ESX == nil do
TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)
then you need to add a code above the part where the command is:
AddEventHandler("esx:setJob", function(job)
PlayerData.job = job
Then we will go into the heavy edit underneath the above-added part:
Go and find:
RegisterCommand('eup', function()
mainMenu:Visible(not mainMenu:Visible())
end, false)
while true do
and replace this with:
RegisterCommand('eup', function()
if PlayerData.job ~= nil then
if PlayerData.job.name == 'police' then
mainMenu:Visible(not mainMenu:Visible())
ESX.ShowNotification("Sorry, but you aren't a cop, so you can't use this command!")
end, false)
while true do
I’ve attached some screenshots with the correct code and place.
Remember to start EUP after es_extented, essentialmode etc because it needs ESX loaded in first!
For lazy people, here is the download:
eup-ui-for-esx.zip (5.5 KB)
You can download eup-stream (the needed EUP clothing) on the original topic, there’s also an installation-tutorial:
Creator of EUP: @fendretti
Menu used: NativeLua
Thank you verry much.
No problem @Stefan_dafuqe, here to help
well let’s see if this works
I assure you: This works like a charm
anyone else using zap hosting? They say in the discord that " Any new and existing license keys will have these bonuses. If you are using ZAP hosting, you need to create a license key and enter this as “Custom license key” in the ZAP hosting control panel."
so my question is if i am using a license key via zap does that mean i still need to make a new key via keymaster???
i have paetron paid for it and all license key is in, now my server won’t start and i can’t even start the .bat file -_-
Then contact ZAP and don’t trash FiveM topics Thanks!