[Release] Custom Mini Map

Script has been removed due to flawed system


This looks awesome, is there a way to get a different map? For example like any of these?


This one mainly.



Thanks mate! :100:

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your profile pic reminds me of a old Mod Menu i used.


Where is the point in installing a minimap serverside, when you will still need mapzoom installed client side for the larger map to work?

In that case you can just install the minimap and the larger map clientside.

I second this. This map would be very cool to have on the minimap

this script worked the first time for me, but then when i installed livemap it stopped working and only the colour is there
edit: Restart fixed it

and holy shit, ive been wanting this for a long ass time. you have done it, if there were rewards on the forums i would give all of mine to you. like really, this is amazing

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This way when people join a server they don’t have to install multiple files, only one.

I have not tested it with other custom maps, I will look into it later.

looks nice, thanks for the release!

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Yoinks scoob

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is there a way for this map to work with a satellite one like this [Release] OCRP Community Releases

This is fucking amazing waiting for someone to post something like this! Your the man!


You can use any map, problem is they appear a little blurry.

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Working on it

I am working on trying to figure it out as well to use any other postal map

Just change the YTDs. They need to be rather large though to display properly.

It does show up blurry till im either falling from a skyscraper or driving over 50mph in game

also @ocrp is you can remove the white grading over the map it will make it look so much better like this Satellite map 3D