Looks amazing, especially the satellite one. Is it possible to stream this to players?
EDIT: Silly me, of course ya’ can.
EDIT2: Upon streaming it, the map breaks when zooming in. Presuming you can’t stream .meta files then (meaning you can’t stream the mapzoomdata.meta to the clients).
EDIT3: I’m complete derp at streaming. Figured out how to stream the .meta files haha.
EDIT4: Disregard that. Tried to stream the .meta file but didn’t work. Are you actually able to stream them? I’m putting them outside the stream folder, with the __resource.lua file. Inside there, I put the following: files { ‘mapzoomdata.meta’ } .
Any1 knows how can i make it work ? I tried literally everything and it keeps changing from this colorfull beauty to this black/gray sh*t when i zoom in.
I’m trying to stream this map, but it doesn’t really work for me.
@DieLikeKane Hey, is it possible to download the map without street names? I’m sitting here for hours for only 2 minimaps but i need own german street names, so the street names should be removed.
I am not understanding the file structure of a new modification package. Also there is no documentation for using said modification, As this is not fully implemented yet to FiveM Client.
Also to load the new style mods without development mode and be able to use the mod on public servers for release, CFX Team currently have to manually sign and review the mod package