[RELEASE] Badger_Tackle & Badger_Doorlock [NO ESX REQUIRED]

NOTICE: So to start this off, I take no credit for any of these scripts really. All props goes to @Kekke (esx_ktackle script creator) and @Hawaii_Beach (esx_doorlock [improvement from @Darklandz dRdoors script]).

All I did was take these scripts and make them non-ESX. It utilizes Fivem natives fully now. I also changed the permissions for doors from jobs within esx_doorlock to use discord roles instead cause I thought that’d be a neat idea!

Considering these scripts are more of fixxer-uppers rather than really my original scripts, I thought I would create this thread for them. If I have any more fixxer-upper scripts in the future, I’ll just annex them here as well.

esx_doorlock [Requires ESX]: [Release] esx_doorlock
esx_ktackle [Requires ESX]: [Release] esx_ktackle - Tackling for Police Officers



You should basically just follow the configuration for esx_doorlock like normal, but there is a new portion in the config displayed below:

Config.Roles = {
	['SAHP'] = 720070416844193854,
	['BCSO'] = 720071486416617575,
	['BCPD'] = 720078261794897941,
	['CO'] = 720311990941122580,

This is where you can set up the roles for giving discord roles permissions to certain doors.
Example shown below:

Config.DoorList = {

	-- Mission Row First Floor

	-- Entrance Doors
		textCoords = vector3(434.7, -982.0, 31.5),
		authorizedRoles = {'CO', 'SAHP', 'BCSO', 'BCPD'},
		locked = false,
		maxDistance = 2.5,
		doors = {
			{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_door01'), objHeading = 270.0, objCoords = vector3(434.7, -980.6, 30.8)},
			{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_door002'), objHeading = 270.0, objCoords = vector3(434.7, -983.2, 30.8)}



I didn’t really change much to this. Everyone can use the tackle and ESX is not required. I also got rid of any delay for tackling, so if you want that added back, you can add it back looking at the original script’s code probably. I changed the keybind to SHIFT + E as well, but you can change this yourself within the script, by just changing the letter in the right spot.


Good Release badger always love your stuff!

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Good job, much thanks for those releases!

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Thanks for scripts good release

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I just finished setting up the door lock this was based from that we found in your discord and now I get to go redo our locks into this but totally worth it!! Multiple “keys” is the one feature we wanted over the old one and this is AWESOME!!! Your contributions to the FiveM community are nothing short of epic!!

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Great looking release! You gotta discord for your releases or content support by chance?

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hello good first big launch I love this I will be able to create the hotels I wanted on the server and the second excuse the silly question but I don’t know if suddenly I became silly but I don’t know where I have to indicate the discord from which I should take the roles or not if you have to put the id of the discord or the token a help I could not help excuse the inconvenience

I don’t understand what you said if I’m honest. Please word this better.

having this works with discord permissions I want to know where I have to put the discord’s identification where are the roles for the doors

Config.Roles = {
	['SAHP'] = 720070416844193854,
	['BCSO'] = 720071486416617575,
	['BCPD'] = 720078261794897941,
	['CO'] = 720311990941122580,

yes I know the roles go there but from which line does the discord take

Are you looking for this? Badger, it might be worth putting what they require for Discord permissions.

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Hello, I put my discord ID in the config in the permissions but somehow it doesn’t work like I can’t lock or unlock the doors could someone maybe help please?

The same thing happens to me, I already have the roles configured, which is not where to put the id or the discord token to read them

Nvm I was using my own discord ID didn’t know it was the discord role ID it works fine now thanks

You both above probably have not installed Discord roles for permissions (im creative, i know) or installed it properly. This script works completely fine, so it’s an error on your end.

Yes, I know it is a mistake on my part, but the role is that you have to put the id of the role of discord, what is not where to identify the discord where the roles come from

I really have no clue what you are saying

the script works with discord roles as far as i understand but from which discord do the roles come from i mean

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