NOTICE: So to start this off, I take no credit for any of these scripts really. All props goes to @Kekke (esx_ktackle script creator) and @Hawaii_Beach (esx_doorlock [improvement from @Darklandz dRdoors script]).
All I did was take these scripts and make them non-ESX. It utilizes Fivem natives fully now. I also changed the permissions for doors from jobs within esx_doorlock to use discord roles instead cause I thought that’d be a neat idea!
Considering these scripts are more of fixxer-uppers rather than really my original scripts, I thought I would create this thread for them. If I have any more fixxer-upper scripts in the future, I’ll just annex them here as well.
esx_doorlock [Requires ESX]: [Release] esx_doorlock
esx_ktackle [Requires ESX]: [Release] esx_ktackle - Tackling for Police Officers
You should basically just follow the configuration for esx_doorlock like normal, but there is a new portion in the config displayed below:
Config.Roles = {
['SAHP'] = 720070416844193854,
['BCSO'] = 720071486416617575,
['BCPD'] = 720078261794897941,
['CO'] = 720311990941122580,
This is where you can set up the roles for giving discord roles permissions to certain doors.
Example shown below:
Config.DoorList = {
-- Mission Row First Floor
-- Entrance Doors
textCoords = vector3(434.7, -982.0, 31.5),
authorizedRoles = {'CO', 'SAHP', 'BCSO', 'BCPD'},
locked = false,
maxDistance = 2.5,
doors = {
{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_door01'), objHeading = 270.0, objCoords = vector3(434.7, -980.6, 30.8)},
{objHash = GetHashKey('v_ilev_ph_door002'), objHeading = 270.0, objCoords = vector3(434.7, -983.2, 30.8)}
I didn’t really change much to this. Everyone can use the tackle and ESX is not required. I also got rid of any delay for tackling, so if you want that added back, you can add it back looking at the original script’s code probably. I changed the keybind to SHIFT
+ E
as well, but you can change this yourself within the script, by just changing the letter in the right spot.