Version 1.2
Added the ability to select which garage you want to store your new vehicle in when redeeming a vehicle promo code. The garage options are automatically taken from the qb-garages so there is no need to add them manually.
Added the ability to add a specific amount of uses to an item
Some other small changes
View all the changes here: github
Excellent free release, this is the kind of stuff you’d expect to say paid for.
Tried it with a vehicle however it states there’s a missing argument.
I’m assuming this is the garage section you mentioned as i never got that option.
EDIT: Just worked out, this is due to me not using QB-Garages. I’m using MojiaGarages
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Hey! Thanks for the kind words.
This should work just fine with MoijaGarages. I looked at Moijas config and it seems to be structured the same way as the old qb-garages. So all you have to do is change the qb-garages/config.lua in the fxmanifest to MoijaGarages/config.lua and go in to rebel-promocodes/config.lua and set Config.Garage_Version to “old”
Yeah i noticed that, change the fxmanifest and config and it’s working now thank you.
One thing i did need to add was the data into the “Mods” column for player_vehicles, by default, upon redeeming a code the vehicle with saved with no data in that column so the garage script wouldn’t open garages as it was throwing a fit, i edited the following and it’s now working, it may have not been needed, but this was a fix i found to work.
As you can see i added default mods to that insert, other than that, it’s working flawlessly, thank you for such a great free script.
Sorry just noticed another issue, after retrieving the vehicle from the garage, when i attempt to park it again, it states i don’t own this vehicle, i assume this is due to qb-vehiclekeys of some sort.
That’s odd, qb-vehiclekeys are not connected to rebel-promcodes at all so it can’t be that. Try to compare the vehicle that you got from the promo code to the other vehicles you own in your sql database.
hi im having issues trying to find step 5. Add this to your qb-inventory/html/js/app.js
under the function FormatItemInfo
in my file there are no FormatItemInfo
can anyone help ?
app.js (39.3 KB)