Rebel Impound Job | Realistic Impound Job [QB]


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This is a perfect script if you want to enhance roleplay and realism on your server.

How does it work?

Impound workers can look up a registration plate using the impound menu. If the plate does not exist, the search is cancelled, but if the plate does exist, a list of cars with the same plate will be displayed. The worker can select one of the cars and get a list with information about the car. Once the worker has reviewed the information and determined that it is the correct car, the worker can send an email to the player who owns the car. The player receives an email, once the player accepts the email the impound fee is deducted and the player’s car is spawned in an available spot. If the player’s car already exists, the old one is deleted.


  • Changeable locations
  • Payments gets transferred directly to the worker and society account
  • Base reward if you want the player to get a set payment plus a percentage of the vehicles cost
  • The old vehicle gets deleted to prevent duplication
  • Only spawns car when there is a parking spot available.
  • Choose between qb-menu and zf_context
  • Choose between qb-input and zf_dialog
  • Choose between oxmysql, mysql-async and ghmattimysql

In use (0.00)
Idle (0.00)


Compatible Menus

Compatible SQL Wrappers


Config = {}

Config.Menu = "qb-menu" -- Can be qb-menu or zf_context.
Config.Input = "qb-input" -- Can be qb-menu or zf_dialog.

Config['QBCoreSettings'] = { -- Have a renamed qb-core? Change it here
	["Name"] = "QBCore",
	["Export"] = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject(), 

	["PhoneName"] = "qb-phone", -- qb-phone name
	["BossmenuName"] = "qb-bossmenu" -- qb-bossmenu name

Config.SqlWrapper = "oxmysql" -- can be "oxmysql", "mysql-async" or "ghmattimysql"

Config.locale = "en" -- Here you can select a language. All the availalbe languages can be found in the locales folder


Config.JobName = "impound"

Config.Locations = {
  ImpoundMenu = vector3(-193.3, -1162.27, 23.67),
  BossMenu = vector3(-184.2, -1164.45, 23.67)

Config.VehicleSpawnLocations = {
  vector4(-152.84, -1170.18, 23.77, 271.99),
  vector4(-153.04, -1166.61, 23.77, 267.27),
  vector4(-147.64, -1161.45, 23.77, 182.05),
  vector4(-144.16, -1161.71, 23.77, 184.88),
  vector4(-139.2, -1161.47, 23.77, 174.7),
  vector4(-132.05, -1166.52, 23.77, 91.38),
  vector4(-131.98, -1170.13, 23.77, 92.02),
  vector4(-132.06, -1175.15, 23.77, 95.85),
  vector4(-131.96, -1178.57, 23.77, 99.68),
  vector4(-131.92, -1182.11, 23.77, 95.74)

-- No decimals
Config.ImpoundFee = 2 -- How many percent of the original vehicle price the impound fee should be
Config.WorkerReward = 20 -- How many percent the worker should get by a player paying the invoice.
Config.SocietyReward = 100 -- How many percent the society should get by a player paying the invoice. this is minus the worker reward. Config.SocietyReward = 100 and Config.WorkerReward 20 will give the worker 20% and the society 80%
Config.BaseReward = true -- If the society has enough the player should receive a base reward regardless of the fee price. 
Config.BaseRewardAmount = 500 -- Base reward only gets paid if the society funs are enough

Config.BlipMarkerOptions = {
	-- Impound Blip
	ImpoundBlipSprite = 68, 
	ImpoundBlipScale = 0.6,
	ImpoundBlipColor = 5,
	ImpoundBlipText = "Impound lot",
Config.DebugMode = true -- recommended = true

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Requirements Listed Above
Support Yes

Version 1.1

  • The script is now fully unencrypted.

can’t access the store :frowning:

Thanks for pointing it out! I will take a look right now!

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Use this link while I try to fix the issue:


Is it possible to use qb target instead of “E” to search for the customer’s vehicle?

Yes it is possible, you just have to add a qb-target zone. I can help you do so if you decide to get the resource.

where the price

Hi, I have decided to take this resource of my store until I make and finish the new version :slight_smile:

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Is this impound script still a thing? Looks solid but dont see it on tebex