Real-time Image Placer

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Config Pastebin

Place images anywhere in the world in seconds! With just a few clicks, you can select any two points on a wall and add an image of your choice - be it a server event poster or your favorite meme. The images are instantly synced between all players, creating a dynamic and immersive experience that truly brings the game world to life.

Main features

  • Persistent throughout restarts
  • Images are synced between players
  • Quick image creation (~2 seconds)
  • Image offset adjustment
  • Images are automatically uploaded to server (no restart needed)
  • Easy to use UI
  • Low performance impact (~0.06ms near 10 images)
  • Client option to turn off images (for performance)
  • Synced image removal
  • Images can be drawn from link or file path

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Config Pastebin

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Code is accessible Partly
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements None
Support Yes (free)

Nice realse!


do you think you can more optimized than this?

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Can you make sure we can put imgur style links please

Can you explain " * 50+ preconfigured billboard locations with images! "?

Can you place the image anywhere you want? Or just specific props?

Hey! you can place the images anywhere you want! we had to remove the billboards as it didn’t make sense in this version anymore, but its very easy to setup yourself :smiley:


I bought this and the cleaning job, but didn’t receive this in my keymaster at all.

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Keymaster servers are down


weird it sent the cleaning apartments script no issue, just not the other one. bought them both the exact same time.

That’s because this resource was freshly updated and the keymaster wasn’t processing it, all previously processed resources worked just fine, it should be resolved now


Will it keep the added pictures if we restart the server?

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Yes it will :smiley:

You should be able to. It worked for me when I used imgur image links

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Starts to get a bit laggy if you have to many near each other, have had players report fps loss. But it’s really good for the odd billboard here and there, I have about 6 setup ATM and it’s using 0.07MS.

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Can i see the script in action ? can i have a small test together with you. I need something like this.

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Does the url link work or allow for displaying videos?


Turn off dev-mode lol

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How do i use it then? Sorry! It’s an incredible resource, which is amazing, but, idk how to place images!

I mean, use the dev-mode to place down images, once you’re done placing them do /devmode again to stop using it, the resource usage will go down significantly

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