Real-time Image Placer

that’s allot :smiley: so after 10+ images syncing will give some errors and lag i think?

With 10 images it’s at around 0.06ms
30 images at once it got to ± 0.17ms

The dev mode just takes a lot as it does many calcuations at once. Normal players don’t use dev-mode nor do admins unless you’re adding new images


Seem to be having an issue where when I confirm the image and go out of dev mode, it just turns into a black rectangle/square and other players don’t see it. Any clue why this is happening?

How to change groups to steam id? like only server owners are able to use?
Also why dont see some people certain images not?

Hey, I just purchased both the real-time image placer and the viewable props but I purchased them on my own keymaster and NOT the keymaster for the live server that I dev for. I should have had the server owner purchase them so they would work on my test server and the live server…

Is there any way to sort this out. I just bought them moments ago.

you can transfer the asset on keymaster

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love this script only issue is every so often the images drop and i have to replace 180 some images every week to 1 weeks. no changes to script settings or mysql it just fails. purchased as a partner script threw prime development

i feel very stupid, but what is the command to place an image?

there is nothing in the config showing what the in game command is…

in your preview video you don’t show the command to place an image

in your post there is no explanation of what command to use to place an image

your tebex store has no explanation on what command to use the image placer/


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Thank god someone released to for free