Pet System+K9 [ESX & QB] Brutal Scripts

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This script is compatible with every role play server, since you have to take care of your dog. With the K9 dog the cops can play a lot of role plays, since every dog can be connected to jobs. Besides these you can do many other things with your pet, there are a lot of emotes and functions. And you can use add on pets too.


  • Supports ESX and QBCORE.
  • oxtarget & qb-target support.
  • Do not needed any other scripts.
  • Pet functions: Follow, Control, Emotes, Ball, Attack, Sit, etc.
  • Pets and K9 police dog. (Only the cops can buy)
  • Easy menu translate to an another language.
  • You can add endless amount of peds.
  • Onysync and onesync infinity support.
  • You can edit all positions, etc.
  • Fully Optimalised: 0.00-0.02 ms.
Version: V1.1 [UPDATES]

Pet can sniff out drogs:
Command: /petsniff
Aim at the player 
If the dog returns to you they dont have the choosed drog, 
otherwise the dog will start a bark anim

Pet control commands:
- /petspawn
- /petsleep
- /petsit
- /petfollow
- /petattack



Other Scripts

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Requirements None
Support Yes
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it would be much better with OX_lib

Is this accurate?

No, I’m sorry.
But believe me, everything is fully configurable.
If you have any problems, we can help you with everything.

would love to see the ability to incorporate with housing. Meaning when you send pet home. It actually is at the home when you return.

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how much its resmon inserver and client side?

Hello, the server side resmon is very few, and the client side is between 0.00 and 0.06 MAXIMUM.
But usually if you don’t use the script it’s 0.00.

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Version: V1.1 [UPDATES]

Pet can sniff out drogs:
Command: /petsniff
Aim at the player
If the dog returns to you they don’t have the choosed drog, otherwise the dog will start a bark anim

Pet control commands:

  • /petspawn
  • /petsleep
  • /petsit
  • /petfollow
  • /petattack

oxtarget & qb-target support.

ur askin for too much lmao

Too much? lol its 2023. I can do this myself and ive only had 2 years experience. Script creators like Quasar housing even offer easy exports to help with such implement.

If petsenthome then
if insidehome then
spawnpet - PET, x,y,z
PET = getpetdetails from json or sql
x,y,z = offset from ped ( dog meets u at front door when entering )

Obviously this is not accurate for insert but give me like 3 days and i could implement this.

Save your " Youre asking for too much " comments for your depressing relationships