Crafting [ESX / QBcore] Brutal Scripts

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An entirely new crafting system which contains everything you need and a little bit more. With the script you can make your server more immersively as players can see 3 dimensional models to all of their crafts.


  • Supports ESX and QBCORE.
  • oxlib, okokTextUI, ESXTextUI, QBDrawText support.
  • XP system
  • Crafts can be attached to jobs / levels
  • Proximity crafting
  • Cancel queued crafts
  • Success rates
  • NUI is compatible with any screens
  • Easy to translate the menu
  • Fully Optimalised: 0.00-0.03 ms.



Other Scripts

Ambulance Job
Police system
Pet +K9
Skill with Gym
Truck Robbery
Atm Robbery
Shop Robbery
Baby Script
Report System

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Requirements None
Support Yes

Looks good…

Does this have blueprints or no?

What does it mean?

Blueprint - can it be set so the player has to find a blueprint item and unlock items in the crafting system before the items unlock in the crafting bench?

Hi! It depend on the configuration. You can set up the needed items.