GYM with Skill System V2 [ESX & QBCore]


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  • Complete GYM script with Skill system
  • Skill NUI
  • Minigame
  • And number of GYM can be added, with separate settings
  • Item Required (Can be disable)
  • Configurable Exersices places
  • Optimalised SQL save and use
  • Fully Optimalised (0.00-0.03)
  • Etc.


Other Scripts

Shop Robbery
Baby Script
Report System
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Job Center & Passport Office

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600
Requirements ESX / QBCore
Support Yes

Version: V2.4

Fixed problem:

  • Shooting skill fixed.(The value is now increasing more often.) :white_check_mark:
    • if you want to edit, you can here >> skills-cl_utils.lua
  • Driving skill: Now only the driver of the vehicle gets skills. (Anyone who is not driving but is in the car is not.)
  • Config.BrutalNotify, If you set this to false the script will use a basic gta notify by default.
    • You can add your own notify >>gym-cl_utils.lua
  • Failed to load server.lua, etc. similar errors so it can be fixed:
  • More stable.

(Only 1 place in config.lua has changed. (Config.BrutalNotify = true))
You can download the new version here:

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Does the skill decrease if you not going to the gym?

Yes, adjustable at intervals.

So we can set it to decrease say every 5 hours if we wanted

Yes. But only the stat of the person who is available on the server is reduced.

Hello how are you, I have a problem, what happens is that when I change the label from the config file, it gives me an error and the skill does not upload because it says “Uncaught ReferenceError: SkillTypes is not defined (@brutal_gym/html/script .js:93)”
This was my change:
SkillTypes = {
:arrow_down: DO not edit this FIRST element! [You can edit the Skill Name with the Label]
[‘Stamina’] = {Use = true, Label = ‘Velocidad’, Color = ‘rgb(24, 191, 238)’, Description = ‘Affects ability to sprint, cycle and swim, Max stamina is unlimited stamina.’},

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Hi is there a way to have a script manually reduce skill points? something like TriggerClientEvent('brutal_skills:client:RemoveSkill', 'Stamina', 10)

Hi! There is a way to do it. This export have to be played in the client side of the player you want to remove the skill from.
exports.brutal_gym:RemoveSkillCount(skilltype, count)

For more: exports / triggers | Brutal Scripts

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