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Our bank system can be a good choose for every RP server. It is created to serve the players with functions like partner management system to make the transfers faster and easier. With our sub-account system you can create multiple accounts and you can add other players to it, to make societies life easier.
- Supports ESX and QBCORE.
- oxtarget & qb-target support.
- Do not needed any other scripts.
- Transfer to offline people
- Sub-account system (you can add people to it with rangs)
- You can set a daily limit to people in your sub-account
- Discord logs
- Group transfer
- Partner system
- Changeable panel theme and color
- ATMs placed automatically
- NUI is compatible with any screens
- Easy to translate the menu
- Fully Optimalised: 0.00-0.02 ms.
Group transfer
Main site
Account management
Settings / Changeable theme and color
Other Scripts
Pet System+K9
Truck Robbery
Atm Robbery
Shop Robbery
Baby Script
Skill with Gym
Report System
Job Center & Passport Office
Code is accessible |
No |
Subscription-based |
No |
Lines (approximately) |
1000 |
Requirements |
None |
Support |
Yes |
1 Like
Gorgeous ! Very good work ! Will an open source version be available? There seems to be one in the tebex section but it says it’s locked by the tebex system? 
some animations when enter a atm or bank so other can see you to something.
the rest looks good 
1 Like
Hi, will not be available in open source.
But why you need the open source?
I think you don’t need the open source, because anything what is important is editable.
We don’t want to slow down the bank menu open.
It’s fully unnecessary. 
hey why slow down? my suggestion was just that you do an animation while you’re using the atm so that another player sees that you’re at the atm and not just standing there “stupidly”. do you know what i mean by that?
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Oups… Okay it’s a good idea. We will do it! THX
Hi, here is available the Open Source version: https://store.brutalscripts.com/package/5700831
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Thank you so much ! You made a very good script, I can’t wait to see the rest! And personally I use AP GOVERNMENT and it’s easier to add compatibility with this when the scripts are open source or everything needed is accessible in the escrow version. but as we don’t always have the details of what is accessible that’s why in case it is possible I prefer to have an open source version. and it is also easier to add things as desired when the script is open source
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this banking compatible with qb-management?
Hi, the script works without any boss-menu / management system. So technically yes.