[PAID] [QBCORE] - m-MiniRobberys - Mini Heists | Level System



  • A simple script that allows for some mini heists.
  • Heists: Parking Meter / Food Machines / Ventilations

Level System

  • The level system depends on the heists, whenever you do a heist you receive XP the higher the level the greater the reward.


  • Level system depending on robberys.
  • The higher the level, the bigger the robberys are and pay more.
  • Optimized.
  • Utilizes the FiveM Tebex Escrow system.


  • Code accessible: :x: ( Only config.lua )
  • Subscription based: :x:
  • Lines: Client (317) / Server ( 335)
  • Requirements: :white_check_mark: (qb-target)
  • Support: :white_check_mark:

# Also from me

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[QBCORE] - m-Blackmarket
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[QBCORE] - m-TunerJob
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[QBCORE] - m-Hunting
[QBCORE] - m-Fishing
[QBCORE] - m-DrugSelling
[QBCORE] - m-HorrorHouse
[QBCORE] - m-Deliverys
[QBCORE] - m-Repairs
[QBCORE] - m-CraftPotion


Any chance I would be able to do a few minor edits and get this to work on QBRCORE?

What you need?

Hopefully nothing but, Iā€™m sure anything that says qbcore on there would need changing to qbrcore to get to work on redm.