[PAID] [QBCORE] Advanced Realistic Trunk Space

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:exclamation: About

  • It does a math where trunk space is considered on vehicle’s weight, size and seats, based on their classes as seen on videos.
  • Also there is a config where you can override trunkspace for whichever car you want.
  • For example: The G Wagon in the preview is an SUV, however its got 600kg trunk due to being a tuner car (Overrided)

:exclamation: Features

  • Optimized
  • Full and easy customization, can overrides weights for custom cars.
  • 0.00ms
  • Compatible with qb-inventory, lj-inventory,…
  • Bring some real-life aspects into RP.

:exclamation: Information

Code is accessible: YES
Subscription-based: No.
Lines: ~200
Support: Yes

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Nice bro

Was looking for information on trunk editing and stumbled on this. Isn’t this just what line 721-779 defines and is already editable for free in LJ-Inventory?

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yea can you link me to that free version that you see?

It’s a built in feature of LJ-Inventory

It’s a free resource on GitHub

Ok. So what our script does, is when you have vehicleClass == 9 for example, which will return off-roads right?

Spend 5 seconds and watch our preview clips for off roads.

We have a logic to set trunkspace according to their sizes. A big offroad car can carry 300 while a small offroad vehicle could only be 40 for example. The trunk space is not fixed at 60000 as LJ-inventory is as default.

really?? how do i access it. I didnt know this