[FREE] [ESX/QB] Group Jobs Tablet. - Rep Scripts

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:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: INTRODUCTION

So, we make groups jobs. From the early versions of ps-playergroups since August 2022, to the latest qb-phone Nopixel inspired.

However, these versions came with features that we didnt like, and 4 months later, we have released our own versions.

The tablet is made so our customers who dont use qb-phone to enjoy our group jobs.

Therefore, all our jobs will now be compatible with this tablet.

:dizzy: FEATURES

1. Job Center :potted_plant:

  • Configurable jobs, job location, money, icon, people to work, etc…
  • Navigate to assigned location.
  • “Illegal jobs” can be seen using a VPN.
  • Search bar for jobs

2. Groups :trinidad_tobago:

  • Once signed in to jobs, players can see idle/busy groups.
  • Can create groups with up to 4 members.
  • If has VPN, players names will be automatically generated to cover their identity.

3. Syncing :package:

  • Sync job progress between players.
  • Sync notifications and job details.

:hammer_and_wrench: UPDATES

Update 1.0

  • Release

Update 1.1

  • to be updated


:heavy_heart_exclamation: Check out our other products :star2:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1k
Requirements No
Support Yes

Amazing release!

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Thank you very much for the support, you the best!!

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Good Release

[ c-scripting-core] Creating script environments for rep-tablet
[ c-scripting-core] Failed to load script @es_extended/imports.lua.
[ script:rep-tablet] Error loading script server/sv_group.lua in resource rep-tablet: @rep-tablet/server/sv_group.lua:365: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘ESX’)
[ script:rep-tablet] stack traceback:
[ script:rep-tablet] @rep-tablet/server/sv_group.lua:365: in main chunk
[ c-scripting-core] Failed to load script server/sv_group.lua.

i think u old esx framework.
ESX = nil

while ESX == nil do
TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)
if ESX == nil then
ESX = exports[‘es_extended’]:getSharedObject()

while ESX.GetPlayerData().job == nil do

ESX.PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData()


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what do I have to do now exactly :slight_smile:

Amazing work dude

thank you, hope it helps

Great work @BahnMiFPS

Hello, Google doesn’t open in the Tablet. How can I add a URL for a Homepage for Google, or even add a page for the police job only?

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all apps beside Job Center is just for decoration right now. You can remove it if you want to.

Is there a way to add a working app?

any news about this? ???

No nothing bro :confused:

its a fully open source and its free, you have all the freedom in the world to add whatever you want :smiley:

hello any news on this scripts its really amazing