[FREE] Advanced Rental Script - Rep Scripts

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This is a qbcore vehicle rental script for FiveM.


  • Custom License Plates for Rented Vehicles.

  • A rental paper that can be used to give keys for disconnected players.

  • Multiple locales support.

  • Simple, lore-friendly UI.


Download a release HERE or build the source code.

git clone https://github.com/BahnMiFPS/rep-rental.git

cd rep-rental/web

pnpm i

pnpm build

– Just drag and drop the folder into your project and initiate it in your FiveM server.cfg.

– Ensure rep-talkNPC before rep-rental

– Adding More Vehicles?

  1. Place your vehicle photos in the web/public/assets folder following the naming convention: vehicleName.png then rebuild the UI

  2. Navigate to config.lua and append your new vehicles following the existing format.

  3. Please share it back with us, we’d love to complete this resource with you for everyone to enjoy! :sparkling_heart:

:white_check_mark: Todos:

  • ESX support

  • Adding boats, planes

  • Timeout notices


:computer:UI Changes

  1. Head over to the /web folder to begin.

  2. Launch the UI in a local web environment with pnpm start command.

  3. After modifying, apply the changes using pnpm build, followed by an in-game script restart to visualize the updates. (You will need to do this step again for any UI changes.)


Ensure to have the following dependencies set up:

:hammer_and_wrench: Updates


  • Initial release


  • Stay tuned for exciting updates!

Featured Products :star2:

Discover our range of high-quality products optimized for QB/ESX:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Requirements QBCore , rep-talkNPC
Support Yes

Not so standalone when you need dependencies :thinking:


You dont understand, ive been tryna post this resource for the last 7 days. Just because my dumb… included a “Join my Disc for support” line.

Now that i removed it and the submit went straight through, i didnt have time to fix that standalone thing lmao.

Thank you, fixed!

Really amazing please esx :slight_smile:

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thank you :smiley: we hope we had time to do it soon


The UI made by Mr. bahnmifps is beautiful as always! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

thank you, took a lot of inspo for everything, im not a designer by any chance

having this error?

Start rep-rental after rep-talkNpc please

i got this error what I can do?

either download the release version or build the ui brother.

nah , you need to update qbcore.shared.vehicles from here https://github.com/qbcore-framework/qb-core/blob/main/shared/vehicles.lua

Thank very much, now I dont have errors only that i couldnt find some files.
And the blip is on the map but the NPC is not there.
The script talktonpc is on the server

And in the F8 console i get this error

A lot of people are having issue and he hasn’t seemed to want to fix it or reply on his discord regarding the issues. I guess you can’t complain for a free script.

did you make any changes to Config.Lang?

many people just forget to read the installation. Mostly due to they dont build UI or didnt download the release man. I have installed a fresh new core to install the scripts and havent had any problem

Worked for me with the latest version of dependency rep-talkNPC v1.0.4 running QBCore.
Also I fixed the heading vector of the ped not applying properly by updating the rep-rental\client\client.lua
line 44: coords = vector4(info.coords.x, info.coords.y, info.coords.z, info.coords.w),
save and restart rep-rental
Thanks @BahnMiFPS great script! Love the UI ! o7

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Does anyone know how to fix it?
It doesnt show the ui for talk.

Now the npc talk but id doesnt show the ui rental