[FREE] NPC Dialogue System v1 - Rep Scripts

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:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: INTRODUCTION

NPC Dialogue is a good way to teach new players how to progress in your city by job instructions, tips and tricks, etc.

This resource is deprecated since we’ve moved on to the v2 version, which for now only support QBCore. Find it HERE

:hammer_and_wrench: INSTALLATION

  • This does not come with any script featured, you will need to implement this into your own scripts like us for it to work
  • Docs will be updated soon.

New version can be found here: [FREE] Advanced NPC Dialogue System

:heavy_heart_exclamation: Check out our other products :star2:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600
Requirements No
Support Yes

Looks nice, Good job!

Only QB? ESX version?

it’s standalone maybe ?

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yes it is standalone

nice work bro

Nice work homie!

curious to know what you used for the sanitation? I tried prime scripts but it doesn’t work for all players so what one you using?

Its a group job from us, feel free to have a look, glad you enjoy what you see!

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thanks for the instant reply back! Awesome work!

This popups when creating test npc via command

same error i got

Fixed Example error

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All the showcased scripts in the Video are amazing. Good work, keep it up!

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V2 update, did a whole rework on this one. Check it out guys!!

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Thanks brother you will love the new v2 that just came out

Really dope!

my man! thank you very much.
Btw the ped used in the video was made by this good man right here everybody check his stuffs out!

so dope <3

Awsome work buddy! I’ve built most of my servers functionalities through the previous version a while ago, its perfect! Thanks for your work!

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