
Thanks @Rudzik, he made those amazing signs with lights.
Script has config where you can set up things like:
- Translate any used text
- Set radius in which cars are affected
- Set used keys
- And much more!
Script can be easily used with ESX / QBCore or any other framework, feel free to pm me with any questions.
Optimisation: 0.0 ms idle, 0.03ms max while working
Preview: video
Tebex: link (€4.99 + VAT)
Clientside encrypted via escrow. Serverside is open.
My other scripts
And many more on my tebex store…
Are we able to control the range of these, so it doesn’t stop traffic on the opposite side of the free way? xD
Yes, you can set it up in the config. I should made the radius smaller for the preview 
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Hello. Looks like a nice script. Quick question. is this Job specific to police job or can everyone in the server use it?
You can set it up like you want. Script has an export to set certain player has or has not have a permission to use it 
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Example code to make it only for police.
RegisterNetEvent('esx:setJob', function(job)
if job ~= nil then
if == "police" then
Ooh, okay, hell yea.
Sorry for the blowing you up with questions on different scripts here we’re just looking to purchase some of them and these are kinda important questions to us all lol
I appreciate your quick response and answers
you’ll be hearing from me soon
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Dumb question. Where would i put this? (Brain.exe not working)
You can add it at the end of client.lua
so i got trafficsign to work but not the other versions, like trafficsign2 or 1
any reason why?
You sure that you are typing commands correctly?
/traffic 1
/traffic 2
/trafficsign 1
/trafficsign 2
no i wasnt putting a space lol
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Anyone can confirm if this script is still working?
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this is beautiful, nice work
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How can i add it to the client, when its encrypted ^^
I need this one for Qbcore anyone helps ?
Look more closely cuz not every file is encrypted. You got commands.lua where you can see the names of events used. Take those events, put correct arguments for them ( 1 or 2 as a number ) and you can hook it up to anything.