[PAID] mmtirespikes - Perfect tire spikes for your server!


Script has config where you can set up things like:

  • Translate any used text
  • Set if tire spike gets destroyed when car rides over it
  • Set used keys

Script can be easily used with ESX / QBCore or any other framework, feel free to pm me with any questions.

Optimisation: 0.1 ms idle, 0.05ms max while working
Preview: video
Tebex: link (€3.99 + VAT)
Clientside encrypted via escrow. Serverside is open.

My other scripts
And many more on my tebex store…


Look’s cool, is the length of the spike strip adjustable?

i dont see any better from your script with other free script

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what makes this worth $7 more than the free ones?

So just a couple of questions…

I didn’t see a way you can pick those up is there a video showing that or could you explain?

Also how well does this work on a OneSync Server and how Synced is it between players?

My final question would be could this be bound to an Item?

To pick up them, you just have to be close to spike and press E.

It’s synced on it’s own way, works on both non-onesync and onesync servers.

Can it be as an item? Yes, you can easily hook it to ESX / QBcore or any other framework that you are using.

Answering to comments above, what’s difference between free ones? Cructial one is that it just works, both on low end pc and high end ones (players with low fps can ride thru free script’s spikes and don’t get them to destroy tires)

Secondly, my script detects which wheel collided with spike and destroy only that one, no matter the size of the wheel (free scripts used to destroy every wheel on contact with spikes)


Does this work on AI Vehicles? For FivePD

Nope, it does not, works only on vehicles drove by players

For standalone, does this use ACE perms to control who has access? I found a free one that works, but since we are standalone, we would have to add all the people authorized to use it individually by steam hex which is not something we have any interest in doing.

In this resource, you can setup an access to it by using an export, not via ace perms. For example:

exports["mmtirespikes"]:SetAccess(true) -- allow setting up spikes
exports["mmtirespikes"]:SetAccess(false) -- disallow setting up spikes

By this, you can easily make it work only for certain job, or to specified user. Adding an ace perm to it is still an option, but you are not only limited to that thanks to that exports.

Since we are running a standalone framework, we don’t have “jobs” so I’d have to write something just to implement the exports. Is the code obfuscated or restricted in any way that would prevent me from redoing it to use ACE perms myself since it sounds to me like you are satisfied with the exports option. Adding ACE perms and having a config option to require them or not would be nicer as a lot of standalone servers use resources like DiscordAcePerms so they can set ACE perms based on Discord roles very easily.

Code is encrypted using FiveM’s escrow system, but it does not prevent you from adding access to tirespikes by ace perms or discord perms. I can provide you any information needed to do that on my discord.

New price! Now available for $5 + VAT :smiley:

Anyway to make this a usable item??

If you are using ESX, then just add this to server.lua

ESX = nil
TriggerEvent("esx:getSharedObject", function(obj) ESX = obj end)

ESX.RegisterUsableItem("tirespike", function(source)
	TriggerClientEvent("mmtirespike:AddSpike", source)

If you are using ox_inventory, add it to data/items.lua

	["tirespike"] = {
		label = "Tirespike",
		weight = 500,
		consume = 0,
		client = {
			event = "mmtirespike:AddSpike"