[PAID] [ESX] V-WarehouseJob | Warehouse job with ox_target

Warehouse job for ESX with ox_target

Tebex: https://vgroup.tebex.io/category/2333999
Preview: https://youtu.be/rHV9DbLVM50

Check Other Scripts
V-PoliceNPCJob: [PAID] [ESX] V-Police-NPC-Callouts
V-Camera: [PAID] V-Camera (Simple ESX Legacy and OX Inventory camera script, Take a photo!)
V-Aiming: [Free] [Standalone] V-Aiming (Forced shaking hand effect while aiming)

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 450+
Requirements ESX, rprogress, ox_target
Support Yes

Is everything configurable? Like location for npc driver spawn? Could you post a pic of config?

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Driver spawn are random, you can change coords where driver park.

Driver spawn at a random coords close to your character