[PAID][ESX] V-Camping | Camping System

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:money_with_wings: Other Script
[FREE] V-Aiming
[FREE] V-Policegarage
[FREE] V-Pov
[PAID] V-AIMedic
[PAID] V-Camera
[PAID] V-Cashierjob
[PAID] V-Gym-v2
[PAID] V-Jobpack
[PAID] V-Multiplayer-Furniture-Job
[PAID] V-Harborjob
[PAID] V-Police-NPC-Callouts
[PAID] V-Printer
[PAID] V-Pubs
[PAID] V-Warehousejob

Code is accessible Not at all
Subscription-based No, but optional
Lines (approximately) 300+
Requirements ox_target, ESX Legacy
Support Yes

Amazing job keep doing!

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Best script i’ve seen so far



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thanks bro

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good job, bro! :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Would be nice if we could move the props where we would like and not just slap them in front of where you use them, So you can move to place them and set them up better.

Also would be nice to have more chairs , tables , cool box / ice box for ox inventory storage.

Maybe also option when you sleep it does not go to a black screen.

I could think of more features but atm this is all i have.


Does that mean you will add the features?

Yes, soon

is your support with qtarget ?

only ox_target. Qtarget is old version ox_target.

@irate New Version: [PAID][ESX] V-Camping V2 | Realistic Camping System

Nice update!

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