[PAID] [ESX] V-Cashier | Sell items in store for npc

:clipboard: Description
V-CashierJob immersive and unique job, advanced config advanced config with simple edit.

:clipboard: Links
Buy on Tebex 5$ + VAT | Escrow Version
Buy on Tebex 8$ + VAT | Open Source Version
Buy All Scripts 12$ + VAT | Tebex Subscribtion

:clipboard: Config (easy to use and edit)

:money_with_wings: Other Scripts:
V-HarborJob :motor_boat:
V-WarehouseJob :package:
V-Gym :person_cartwheeling:
V-Police-NPC-Callouts :oncoming_police_car:
V-Camera :camera:

Code is accessible No, but you can buy open source version
Subscription-based No, but optional you can subscribe to have it
Lines (approximately) 300+
Requirements ESX Legacy, ox_target, rprogress
Support Yes

Does this work on other maps than LA/LS? Aka will it work on liberty city

Probably yes, because you can set all coords in config

Good script I love it.

1 Like

Thanks :grinning:

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You can buy V-Cashier in Job Pack: [PAID] [ESX] V-JobPack

can u add more shops with different jobs ?
for example burgershot ? with his jobs and that shops items ?

If you buy open source, you can add more.