[PAID] cT-Interface · Status, Carhud, Notify, TextUI, VoiceUI & More!

Discover the Difference and Elevate Your Gaming Experience with Our Innovative HUD for FiveM! :video_game::sparkles:

We are thrilled to introduce our new HUD system, crafted to deliver an exceptional user experience with a sleek and unobtrusive interface. This system is packed with a variety of features such as status, carhud, voiceui, notify, textui, and many more, all designed to enhance your gameplay without cluttering your screen.

Key Features:

  1. Status: :stethoscope: Display vital information such as health, armor, hunger, and thirst clearly and concisely.
  2. Carhud: :red_car: Show essential vehicle data like speed, RPM, engine status, and fuel level.
  3. VoiceUI: :studio_microphone: Integrate a voice chat interface that indicates who is speaking and adjusts audio intensity.
  4. Notify: :bell: Receive on-screen notifications without obstructing your game view. Different types of notifications (default, info, success, error, warning) are color-coded for easy identification.
  5. TextUI: :memo: Display relevant contextual information at the right moment.

Intuitive Configuration:

One of the standout aspects of our HUD system is its highly intuitive configuration. Customize each interface element to suit your preferences without needing advanced technical knowledge. Some customization examples include:

  • Visible Elements: :eye: Decide which HUD components you want to display and which you don’t. For example: If you prefer a carhud from another creator, simply disable ours with an easy configuration adjustment.
  • Logo Customization: :paintbrush: Modify the logo directly from the config file without accessing the CSS. Adjust the opacity, position, and scale of the logo to perfectly fit your personal aesthetic.

Advantages of Our System:

  • Clean and Unobtrusive Interface: :star2: Designed to provide all necessary information without distracting you from the game.
  • Easy to Use: :+1: The intuitive configuration allows any customer to adjust the HUD according to their needs and preferences.
  • Highly Customizable: :wrench: Each element can be adjusted, enabled, or disabled, offering unparalleled flexibility.


With this HUD system for FiveM, you will have full control over your visual experience, allowing you to enjoy the game in a more immersive and personalized way. Explore all the possibilities and tweak every detail to your liking!

Feature Description
Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Requirements interact-sound
Support Yes

Transform your gaming experience today with our innovative HUD for FiveM! :rocket:

Not a dp emote redesign

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where is dp emotes redesign tho ?