QB-Phone With Movement

The QB-Phone but modified and now you can move while using it. :slight_smile:

qb-phone-main.zip (2.5 MB)



Just to ask what part did you edit to make it so the player can move?

Main.lua, here is the code:
main.lua (71.0 KB)

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Good evening there is no SQL for the database

why did they change the title and delete the post? hahaa

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seems like a code for a phone, I think he added that the player cant move what opened

The post was to be able to move you while you had the qb-phone open, but I deleted it for x reasons.

Oh okay why did you removed it if I may know?

I saw it as nonsense

Re-Uploaded :slight_smile:

i had seen a server base, wtf xD

That will be back as soon as cfx approves my post!

lol this doesn’t work


Thank you for sharing, Works like a charm!

Hello, i have a question - how to disable move and etc keybinds when you text a message in Twitter?

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Also need that info

This is not working, pure fake.

Any F8 error?

same for me not working or showing only phone with no apps