[FREE] dp-emotes Redesign

A Re-Design of bk_emotes designed for LS Stories

Download: GitHub - Juliroo/bk_emotes-redesign



Excuse me?


HEH?! What do you mean by “If you could do RPEmotes”?!

you are literally crying on every emotes post? FR i click on this only cause i knew you would type something here… lol


All IMO:

To be fair, this is a fork of a fork of dullpears (guessing here, no one has used GitHub’s fork feature for forking) which is still wholly unlicensed / falls under all rights reserved dullpear. Dullpear would have to take issue with it.

If this was a fork of rpemotes, then this would not adhere to the license restrictions set forth in the README.

If this was a fork of scully_emotemenu, it would adhere to the license terms since the only license on that project is the GPL-3. I personally know for the bulk of the animations that the authors do not wish for them to be included in all rights afforded by the GPL-3, namely forking / reuse, but that intent is not currently codified in any licensing terms on scully_emotemenu. Not taking shots btw, just pointing out the nature of it.

Additionally, this fork is not using any of those animations AFAIK. So it’s not even infringing on the animation authors’ original intent (codified or not).

As such, I don’t see an issue with this resource unless dullpear decides in this case that it is not okay.

Does a reskin of dullpear’s original dpemotes need to be created in 2023 after years of a lack of open source alternative / paid reskins / animation theft and resale? I’d like to skip beating this dead horse since it discourages beginners from taking up coding / contributing. But I think it’s also important to recognize the troubled history of dpemotes / rpemotes / etc when seeing Tay’s comments. It is a demonstration of passion about keeping the project alive, protected, and useful (not just for himself, but the other contributors of the projects as well).


nice one bro

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Why not? If you want to go blaming and bothering one by one, first go to the leak servers and then tell me how it went, it is a totally public repository, the guy is doing a reskin and he is publishing it “for free”, I do not find the problem of why judge people so much for a redesign that on top of that he is going to publish it for free.



Damn, bro… Whats the css for this one?

Client > html > main.css

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I dont unterstand this stupid Community. Someone is sharing a Free Ressource and its allthetime about other or how bad is this.

First Time that i see a nice dpemotes Variant! Thanks for sharing.


I apologize, I had figured this was just an Interface/Menu. Didn’t realize this was a whole re-work.

Don’t apologize at this noob.
He’s crying in everything that he respond to.
This is a great release even if it was just some modification.

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I see you changed it to AGPL.
Are you gonna include anything (perhaps in NUI) so the end user can easily include a copy of their source code, as required by AGPL?

Edit: Also, that is the only added requirement of AGPL. It’s still a commercial license.

Nice work, design is very clean keep up the good work!


Awesome, way better than the original. Don’t get why people are upset about a UI change.

In his original post, he states users can do with it as they wish.

Sooo. “dp-emotes Redesign” but no sign of dp-emotes. Its a redesign of bk_emotes :angry:


bk-emotes & dp_emotes is the same