[PAID] - Advanced Zombies

Advanced Zombies script made to fit every zombie server


  • Zombies
  • Zombie Sounds ( When near )
  • NPC Buying
  • SafeZones
  • Different Loot Types ( Common / Normal / Epic ) [ EDIT IN CONFIG FILE ]
  • Add Different Level Zombies ( Level 1 / Level 2 AND so on )
  • Anti lua executor
  • NPC that helps players kill zombies and Follows them
  • Spawn/Despawn NPC

Video :computer:

NPC ( ZOMBIE KILLER ) :computer:

:crossed_swords:Buy it [HERE] [OPEN SOURCE]

CONFIG PREVIEW - config.lua (2.9 KB)

:gift: Weapon Throwing
:gift: Ride Animals
:gift: Dungeons
:gift: Team Deathmatch
:gift: Hunger Games
:gift: Cargo Heist
:gift: Van Heist
:gift: Business System V1
:gift: Skills System
:gift: Container Opening
:gift: Car Robbery

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~480
Requirements ESX/QB
Support Yes

is it possible to have zombies only in certain zones?

i have rp server and i would like to add zombies to a specific area on the map and would love it i can configure this script to work only in specific areas.

for example having the military base closed off due to a zombie outbreak, but only at the military base.

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I second this, very easily you could confine the generation of zombies to zones using a resource like ox_lib.

Are the zombies synced across clients?

Yes, if you look at the config file, there you can set the specific zone and the radius for it, where the Zombies should spawn.

No, Zombies and the NPC are client sided.

oooof, that breaks immersion big time, because players wouldnt see the same zombie peds :frowning:

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looks amazing, but what would happen when u get killed by zombies? Can u post a vid or replay? Ty

All the zombies get removed.