No-trains | Synchronised trains and metros


FiveM resource for synchronised trains. Tebex Page.


  • Synchronised trains and metros.
  • Limit maximum active trains and metros.
  • Adjustable spawn rate.




  • Do not use a different train script as it may create conflicts.
  • If you’ve more than 100 players, we recommend keeping the spawn rate LOW or VERY_LOW for a better experience.
  • Beta version of the trains tested with 4 different servers. One of them had over 180 average players.
    • All problems that occured in the beta version have been fixed. Since there were no problems with the final version, I decided to release it.
    • If you’ve any problems, you can contact me from support.
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 700
Requirements -
Support Yes

Other Resources


What’s different between this and all the other broken train resources? What does it fix/ do better than those?


literally this just looks like a free resource but put behind a 30 usd paywall with no features

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Difference is it’s not broken. You don’t see any ghost trains, missing carriages or intertwined trains. Which was the whole point when I started this script. I’m trying to create an experience similar to single player.

So does it simply work with the two natives:

  SwitchTrainTrack(i, true)
	SetTrainTrackSpawnFrequency(i, 12000)

Because I know this method doesn’t work on Onesync, as it spawns a train for every client.
From my limited info on the topic, nopixels trains are a custom map/addon which provides city wide splines/paths for the trains to follow once spawned on server (network entity).

How does yours work exactly to combat this issue?

Actually I do use those natives but it’s not like put to code and forget about it, server knows when to ask for trains.

Targeted tracks are 0 and 3 since they are completed tracks and cover the whole map. You can edit trains.xml and traintracks.xml to change default models with custom ones or change their variations.

Controls are done by the server to make sure spawned trains are valid or not. Don’t worry it’s optimized, doesn’t even contain endless threads.

SwitchTrainTrack(0, true)
SwitchTrainTrack(3, true)
N_0x21973bbf8d17edfa(0, 300000)

Can you provide a showcase with a server with players on it? It’s hard to believe this is the first person to make this work, but I’d happily buy this if there’s proof/evidence of this working without leaving orphaned trains all over the map.

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every train script ive bought has had ghost trains and desyncing :frowning:

I don’t know how can I show that even if 10 players stand next to train it doesn’t prove anything, this bug could happened after 2 hours.

Like I said in the post 4 different servers join the beta (old customers and subscribers) they found bugs I fixed them. They used final version for 3 straight days without any errors reported. Finally I asked them do you think it’s ready for release, is there any bugs? They said everything is good and they had no issues and that’s when I decided to release it.

I know this doesn’t prove anything to you I’m just writing just so people can understand the process. You can check my other works as a reference. If you’ve any problems with script you can contact me I can even give a refund.

Since there is a open issue with a open PR linked to it to allow server side creation of train and carriage, i doubt that you are the first who can achieve working trains with onesync.

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My approach is different from this. I explained a bit here:

If you’ll stand by offering a refund, I’ll gladly test it out with my community. We’re relatively small, but we’ve been looking for something like this.

The only reason I ask is that many other scripts claim to have found a new way to fix this without any proof, and I did not mean to antagonize. :+1:

You were not. I know why people are hesitant about trains, FiveM had enough of them. If there are errors in the future, I will work on it but we couldn’t find any errors in the final version.

The server I dev for currently uses TheIndra55’s FiveM-trams modified to use Walter’s Overhauled Trains that uses a replaced gta5.meta (level meta), trains.xml, trains1.dat, and traintracks.xml. I have had none of the previous issues with FiveM and trains. I have no idea why it works, but it is possible.

Tl;dr you can make trains work properly somehow.

If I had to hazard a guess, something about streaming trains.xml, trains1.dat, or traintracks.xml is shat is responsible for fixing the sync issues.

Hello, I was a beta tester from this script and I can say everything was fixed. It was more tester then me. Tester with a lower server 40 - 50 player also tester with a big server 250+ players. U don’t see ghost train u have no sync problems or any other problems. Everything works fine.

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I myself was a beta tester and I pushed this script limit to the max, every time we found a issue was fixed within hours, would 100% recommend this for your server, I’m currently building a train heist to go with it


This was only 5 or 7 bugs and it works with over 100 players
ScriptM: ScriptsM-Trains [QB-CORE]

which game version higher than +2699? does this work with ?

do the trains also stop at the stations ?

How does it work with collisions ( car accident ) and GTA Online ?

What’s the resmond?

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