No-mop | Dirtiness & Cleaning


FiveM resource for mop. Tebex Page.


  • Synchronized animations, cam, props & particles.
  • Interiors getting dirty.
    • Depends on where the player walked before entering the interior, their steps will leave dirt behind.
    • Works on every interior.
    • You can disable this option for certain interiors.
  • Sync with other players.

How It Works?

  • Player’s shoes collects dirt depending on their status (standing, running etc.), weather conditions and surface they step on.
  • If a player enters an interior with dirty shoes, they will leave dirt where they step.
  • After a certain period of time, the dirt will disappear on its own, or any player can clean it with a mop.



Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements -
Support Yes

Other Resources

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$35 euros LMAOOO. Almost had me


I charge based on the time and effort I put in, so I think it’s a fair price for one-time deal.

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0.0 on idle, 0.01-0.02 while using mop (disables some controls etc.).

Just because you are not experienced and it took you long to do something simple doesnt mean its worth this price. It wont sell but you can charge literally whatever you want.

wow nice script, bring back the FIB heist from story mode’s little details. some people loves to see these details. good luck on your sales!

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Thank you

Can I make this work only on housing interiors like set it to a polyzone and add a job where if you clean you get x amount in config so players can go around and clean interiors and repost it’ll do much better or dm me and I’ll pay for custom version and maybe other custom work