[MLO] Legendary Motorsport I Dealership & Mechanic

Description: With the high demand for cars to buy, the company Legendary Motorsport decided to open a physical store of its store in downtown Los Santos. Now residents will have more convenience in looking for their car!

Price: $39.99 + Tebex Tax
Purchase: Legendary Motorsport - TEBEX
Preview: Legendary Motorsport - YOUTUBE


  • Location: -189.366, -1154.092, 23.046, 169.53
  • Size: 60mb
  • Two Interiors (dealhership and mechanic)
  • Custom exterior

Important informations

  • The purchase process is done through Tebex, official partner of fivem, after the purchase you will have access to the files by connecting to keymaster in the Purchased assets tab, with the files in hand, start them.
  • We’re using the cfx team’s Asset Escrow, so you’ll have freedom to replace textures only.
  • Note that you need server version 4752 or above to use this resource.
  • BrunX are not responsible for purchases made with the wrong account.

My Other Maps:

Code is accessible Only YTD
Subscription-based Yes/No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Support Yes

Legendary Motorsport - 07/01

  • Fixed bug with all tint pallet colors ( wrong color on objects )
  • More props change the color now
  • Fixed bugs

To get the update, download the map in your keymaster.

07/01/2025 19:56