[MLO] [PAID] Ten Cent Cinema

Description: After going bankrupt and being closed for many years, some investors decided to reopen the iconic “Ten Cent” movie theater, which is located in the heart of Los Santos! Now, the city’s residents will have one more place to have fun!

Price: $39.99 + Tebex Tax
Purchase: Ten Cent Cinema - TEBEX
Preview: Ten Cent Cinema - YOUTUBE


  • Snack Bar
  • Tickets
  • Reception
  • Hall
  • 2 Bathrooms
  • 5 Movie Rooms
  • Arcade
  • Cinema Shop
  • Audio Oclusion
  • Location: 398.899, -711.607, 29.284, 88.47
  • Size: 32mb

NOTE: This map is totally in accordance with the rules of CFX, it does not contain any images or links to the real world and no links to real brands. All images from the films were generated by AI

We would also like to announce that we are developing a dedicated script for Tencent Cinema . This script includes: functional screens, a ticketing system where you will need to purchase tickets from a ticketing staff to enter the theaters, staff who will clean the theater, and staff who will schedule movie showings.


Important informations

  • The purchase process is done through Tebex, official partner of fivem, after the purchase you will have access to the files by connecting to keymaster in the Purchased assets tab, with the files in hand, start them.
  • We’re using the cfx team’s Asset Escrow, so you’ll have freedom to replace textures only.
  • Note that you need server version 4752 or above to use this resource.

My other maps:

Code is accessible Only YTD
Subscription-based No
Number of rooms 8
Number of entities Around 1000
Requirements & dependencies Last Server Version
Support Yes

Wow, nice my friend :100: :anger:

1 Like

Thanks friend!

Amazing :heart::rocket:

1 Like


We are happy to announce the new cinematic video from our cinema .

NIceee brooo , veryy niceee <3

is there a script for the theater screen?

hi my friend bought from yoou arena skate can you add me on discord kosta.9 to help me to make more ramps bcs its locked and your discord server invite link dont work

Yes friend, we released a script for the screens!

Ten Cent Cinema - 24/12

Added script compatibility ( chairs works now )

24/12/2024 17:23