
Fixitfy Studio

Package Description


Hello, this script is an advanced radial menu adapted for vorp_core that RedM players can easily interact with and quickly toggle all actions on and off. This menu has some special features. Advanced dueling system, profession actions, robbery systems, outfit change system, fixed female pad, emotes system, dice games, walking style, easy to use on/off blip system, easy carry system and more. This menu can be edited as you wish, you can add new features and menus.


  • Full customizable vorp-core radialmenu.
  • Duel system with advanced betting.
  • Easy-to-use clothes changing.
  • Megaphone and sheriff actions for the sheriff profession.
  • Megaphone and doctor actions for the doctor profession.
  • dice, coin toss, rock paper scissors games.
  • On/Off Blip System.
  • Character management.
  • Interaction system.
  • Added item requirement for handcuffs and handcuff key. You can turn this on and off. You can also add item requirement to all your menus and create your own event. I show an example of this below…
  • New advanced log system.
  • Added menus to interact with while dead. Added custom alert system. In this way, you will be able to edit your alerts from the config section very easily.
  • Cash and Gold Robbery.
  • Added discord log for cash and gold robbery. Same as the RobPlayer webhook.
  • Added Dead Menu. Easy Configrable.
  • Added Walk Speed.

Example Config



08ac57ffaf6f77cc94315d63d5f12162f82970ff.pngCharacter Menu

  • Fixed female body
  • Dress/Undress
  • Reload Skin
  • Walk Style
  • On / Of Blip System
  • Fix Ped
  • Walk Style
  • Walk Speed

0159e8f691ec4dfba923bb82ddbe8d28c6a971e1.pngInteraction Menu

  • Carry.
  • Duel System.
  • Robbery Player. With all settings editable. You can adjust the clamping conditions for handcuff.

72f4daf62b674da81353115baa6032dfd0060279.pngDuel System

  • Betting system.
  • Create a dueling field.
  • Sending and accepting invitations.
  • Automatic revive system after a duel that you can set in the configuration.
  • Synchronized burning flags on all players.
  • Duel generation system with all exploits blocked. So players won’t get into bugs. Invite protection system, spam blocking.
  • Player control is completely disabled when the duel starts. Fix running countdown and player control active when it ends. Fun duels.

b6792d28a31d71e0cf9497a03c90012a779c2ee0.pngSheriff Menu

  • Handcuff/Uncuff.
  • Search Player İnventory
  • Megaphone
  • Escort
  • Carry

5dd4a6d277df1da8a2e79d944d9d42b972816d5e.pngDoctor Menu

  • Revive
  • Heal
  • Megaphone
  • Carry

2b1745ec5cb735e6246340b9fb78e98bb7f197a5.pngDice Menu

  • Dice One, Two, Three
  • Toss Up
  • Rock , Paper and Scissors

835630c3e453ac33002ec64eff2bbcfdc2d71f50.pngClothes Menu

  • Change frequently used clothes. Bandana system and sleeve stripping.

423fd8084618b2ec5ca70beeba677de92f24784a.pngEmotes Menu

  • Howdy / Bye / Musical instruments


You can create and organize menus as you like…
This script is inspired by qb-radialmenu.


:heavy_dollar_sign: 80€ BUY IT ON TEBEX.IO

  • Tax Not Included
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) +5500
Requirements fx-input / vorp_progressbar
Support Yes


:money_with_wings: PAID RELEASE
FX-Radialmenu + Duel System
FX-Notify Standalone
:house: MAP/MLO


Wow, tons of amazing features. Great UI work + all for a great price! Great job.

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How’s it taste?


@Griefa contact me and we will create a way to test the script.

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it was very useful work

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Very nice

Update 0.3

  • New advanced log system
  • Added menus to interact with while dead. Added custom alert system. In this way, you will be able to edit your alerts from the config section very easily.
  • Added discord log for cash and gold robbery. Same as the RobPlayer webhook
  • new advanced Walking styles
  • new advanced Walking Speed
  • Fixed all issues with the RadialMenu overlapping and not closing in some cases. FX-Radialmenu will no longer encounter such problems

It’s really good. Thanks fixitfy

“inspired by qb-radialmenu.” :joy: … more like based on.

Could it be a contagious disease? Did you make derogatory comments about my other scripts? If you have no idea what a script is, don’t make empty comments. You have no idea what it contains. I don’t think you know anything about RedM :sweat_smile:

I am allowed to comment + your scripts are being showed on top of releases.

Its so sad seeing creator taking fivem things, adapting to redm and selling them for a price of gold. If that design was yours, you could make it more redm-style, not modern 2023.

Script adapting and event adding could cost, but i’m sure that qb-radialmenu has some kind of licence NOT to sell free resource? And especially not for 90 eur.

I guess you didn’t look at the specification of the script? And frankly, with all its features, it is a script that really deserves its 80 Euro price. If you think you can do better, I’ll follow you.

What I noticed in all your posts and comments here on the platform is that you have a split personality. You should stop seeing everything and anything in your environment as bad because at some point you will get paid for it. Find a hobby…

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I am allowed to comment on any post I like as I wish. If I break any rules, feel free to report me. I respect honest work, but no revisions of free scripts.

I probably hit a nerve when the script owner allows himself to talk about any illnesses of commenters. Well, it also shows his attitude towards others. :+1:t3:

Not all comments should be omg good. Accept criticism too and maybe get better.

You have no idea what you are talking about, we are open to criticism, but what you are doing is not criticism. You have no knowledge about RedM scripts and it is not right to comment. Moreover, as Fixitfy, we have more than 10 scripts and +80 server customers, if you doubt our quality, you can buy and try and see with your own eyes. We are experienced in what we produce and what we will produce, and we will continue to produce quality scripts that will be beneficial to server owners. I hope you will stop being grumpy and realise who you are talking to. We are here to improve this community, I wish you would leave empty comments and support the people who are working, you will be more useful.

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It’s a hell of a lot more than just a radial menu though, yes it’s the same concept as qb-radialmenu but it has many more features.

The price on the other hand is very high but that’s a common trend for redm, it’s almost $150 where i am which is just way out of reach, it probably explains why there’s not many servers popping up. :frowning:

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