This script creates an identity system on your server. With the export you can check if the player has an ID. Take a photo and then go to the issuing organisation. It’s as simple as that. You can use this script for free
Photo System
Print Photo
ID Card Create Menu
Synchronised with all players
Sql/ Meta Item
Custom Fixityfy Image Uploading Service / in link
The name of the city from which you get your ID card will be written on the ID card
No, there is no such obligation, it is just an option. However, thank you for your suggestion, approximately 60 servers started using this script instantly. Almost 80% of the script is not encrypted. Therefore, it will continue to be actively developed by us. Enjoy your time
Free releases: Releases that are released for free must contain a download other than Tebex (such as a direct download or GitHub). You may include a Tebex link but it must not be the only download.
I think the rules should be synchronized with the new tebex update. If we want to publish something for free and we want to encrypt parts of it, what do we do for that. I don’t want to make 1 euro that would be funny
Thanks for the information but there is no coercion and the script can be downloaded from github. I think it’s a free topic that most people take offense to and complain about, which is funny because the script is already free and there is a download link, but that’s ok, I will release more free scripts from now on so people won’t pay for empty scripts.
This free script was and will continue to be developed for the benefit of all servers.