[FRVGS] RP Panel - Streamers

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FRVGS RP Panel - Streamers

FRVGS Streamers Panel is a comprehensive management system designed to streamline the administration of streamers, live streams, and the recruitment process.

This system includes a set of streamer management tools and a customizable recruitment form, all seamlessly integrated with Google Sheets as the backend and enhanced by Discord webhooks for real-time updates.

:star2: Features

  • :desktop_computer: A fully featured management system for Streamers
  • :capital_abcd: 28+ languages available, including English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and more.
  • :date: Calendar to display the live streaming schedule of your streamers.
  • :tv: Twitch Live Stream Page to feature your streamers’ broadcasts.
  • :speech_balloon: Include an automatic discord webhook that trigger at each form submission.
  • :memo: The form submission can be managed with an easy to use Google Sheets.
  • :card_index_dividers: Premade Recruitment forms for Streamers
  • πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Pre-configured questions available in multiple languages.
  • :bar_chart: Comprehensive management using a simple Google Sheets setup.
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Real-time automatic syncing between Google Sheets data and the Web Panel.
  • :iphone: Responsive design that adapts smoothly to all screen sizes.
  • :gear: Quick installation and easy setup with a simple configuration file.
  • :art: 30+ premade themes with an elegant theme-switcher for the Web Panel.

WebPanel Features

  • A Web Panel to manage your Streamers & recruitment applications
  • Easy addition and removal of forms & questions
  • Fully static, requiring no database.
  • Hostable on any simple static webserver.

:package: What’s included

1 Full-featured RP Webpanel for Streamers

  • :desktop_computer: Custom Home Page
  • :singer: Streamers Page
  • :tv: Live Stream Page
  • :date: Stream Schedule Page
  • πŸ™‹β€β™‚ Streamer Application Form

1 Management Sheet

  • Streamers Management
  • Streamers Application Management
  • Discord Webhook Trigger

:ring_buoy: Support

We’re here to make your installation and configuration journey smooth and straightforward. Understanding the challenges of starting with a new product, we offer step-by-step guidance to ensure a hassle-free setup. Need help with instructions, optimizing settings, or solving initial issues ? We’re just a message away, ready to enhance your experience right from the start !

:shopping: TEBEX

:star: Other Creations

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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 4900+
Requirements None
Support Yes
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