[FREE] ESX Identity reDesign

ESX Identity redesign for 4k displays

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:tv: Video preview | :globe_with_meridians: Website | :speech_balloon: New discord server

:sparkles: Features

  • :art: Redesigned identity character creation with a modern look and smooth animations
  • :desktop_computer: Added specific media query for 2160p (4K) monitors
  • :memo: Improved input forms with animation and icons
  • :new: Added a new character creation radio select
  • :fountain_pen: Modified fonts to improve legibility on high-resolution displays

:ring_buoy: Support

Join my new discord server if you need support or custom UI.

:arrow_down: Download

:package: Installation

  1. Download the zip archive from this repo.
  2. Extract the contents to your resources folder.
  3. Add ensure esx_identity to your server.cfg.

πŸ–₯ RP Panel AIO πŸ“± G-Tablet Ultimate

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πŸ“„ OX Inventory πŸ“„ ESX Identity πŸ“„ ESX Notify

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 700
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

A huge thank you for all your hard work. Incredible.

Is it possible to change the date of birth format to DD/MM/YYYY?

Hey thank you,

To change the date format you will have to modify the script.js :

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But what format you are looking for ? because it’s already in DD/MM/YYYY format actually.

i have the same β€œissue”…
i want the date also in dd/mm/yyyy… but no idea how…

and can we get german letters like Γ€ ΓΆ ΓΌ for the lastname?
bcs in german many people named like β€œmΓΌller” or something :smiley:

EDIT: i fixed the issue with the german letters…

I just checked and the reason the date appears as MM/DD/YYYY on your form is due to your game or system locale settings. If for example you switch to french it will be DD/MM/YYYY

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I just updated the input pattern to support special character (like Γ€ ΓΆ ΓΌ ), you can get the update from Github.