[FREE] ESX Notify reDesign

ESX Notify redesign for 4k displays

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This is my first post and contribution to this community.

When I first began playing FiveM, a significant problem I encountered was that the UI wasn’t adapted for 4k displays, making the text almost unreadable.

Thus, I’ve embarked on redesigning various elements of txAdmin, esx_core and ox_lib.

I plan to rework other resources to accommodate 4k displays, including :

ox_lib | ox_inventory | esx_textui | esx_identity | esx_context | esx_menu_default |
esx_menu_dialog | esx_menu_list | esx_multicharacter | …

:sparkles: Features

  • :desktop_computer: Added specific media query for 2160p (4K) monitors.
  • :triangular_ruler: Adjusted the notifications for better visibility on larger screens.
  • :fountain_pen: Modified fonts to improve legibility on high-resolution displays.
  • :art: Redesigned notifications now come with smooth animations.
  • :sunrise: Included 30+ gradients from which you can choose to change the main theme.

:ring_buoy: Support

Join my new discord server if you need support or custom UI.

:arrow_down: Download

:package: Installation

  • New Installation:
  1. Download the zip archive from this repo.
  2. Extract the contents to your resources folder.
  3. Add ensure esx_notify to your server.cfg.
  • If you’re already using esx_notify :
    You can then simply replace the esx_notify/nui/style.css file with the one from the repository.

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πŸ“„ OX Inventory πŸ“„ ESX Identity πŸ“„ ESX Notify

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 100
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

That looks delicious. :heart_eyes:

Man you are super. I’m tryingo from a lot of months to know how to edit ox_lib and other basic resource. I will follow your work.

Thank you ! im planing to redesign and adapt for 4K display OX and ESX Core to have a unified and homogeneous UI across all menus, interaction buttons and inventory.