[OpenSource] FRVGS RP WebMap

:shopping: Tebex | :tv: Video | :framed_picture: Gallery | :globe_with_meridians: Website | :books: Docs | :wrench: Config

RP WebMap is a feature-rich map designed to highlight all the cool places on your server.

With exclusive lore icons and a variety of viewing styles, discover every hidden treasure and plot twist your game presents.

Built using HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JS, this fully static website can easily be hosted on any server.

:star2: Features

  • :zap: Lightning Fast Static WebMap
  • :art: 4 Different Styles (Satellite - Atlas - Road - Original)
  • :world_map: Include an exclusive Cayo Perico Map
  • :round_pushpin: Easy Blips Customization
  • :control_knobs: Customizable Filters
  • :framed_picture: Exclusive Hi-Res Map Tiles
  • :mag_right: Loaded with 80+ Blips
  • :open_book: Exclusive Lore Icons

:ring_buoy: Support

We are available to assist you with any inquiries or customized modifications.

:shopping: TEBEX

🖥 RP Panel AIO 📱 G-Tablet Ultimate

🎟 RP Panel Whitelist 🖥 RP Website 👨‍🎤 RP Panel - Streamers

🏡 RP Panel - Real Estate 🎉 RP Panel - Events 🚘 RP Panel - Vehicles

📄 OX Inventory 📄 ESX Identity 📄 ESX Notify

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3K+
Requirements None
Support Yes

So does this replace the initial pause menu map, or do they do a command or use an item that opens the map? Just curious. I love this! I love the fact that you are giving people options!!!

I also have a question to how people would maybe edit the map image? Is that something a dev could do?

Hey, this is a web-based map (not inGame map) designed for website integration, it is intended to display the locations on your server and to be accessible to your users from the web.

You can quickly modify the map blips and associated images/icons through the provided configuration file.

For guidance, you can refer to the included example in the documentation