[FREE] [RELEASE] [ESX] Menu 3D (Credits to Negbook for original script)


How to install

  • Put the folder to your resources folder




How to use

ESX.UI.Menu.Open('scaleform', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'casino_menu_example', {

    title    =  "Casino",

    description = "Select your next destination",

    options  = {

        position = vector3(940.158, 44.79, 79.79), -- Position is a headache, I hope with the editor you can understand it faster.

        rotation = vector3(-2.99, 2.59, 75.38), -- Rotation is a headache, I hope with the editor you can understand it faster.

        scale = vector3(12.0, 5.0, 8.0), -- Scale: X = Horizontal; Y = Vertical; Z = ?

        values = vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), --(Some values are not yet understood, always must be 1.0)

        heading = 1, -- WIP (Some values are not yet understood)

        canClose = false -- WIP


    elements = {

        { label = "Go to CASINO", value = "teleport_to_casino" },

        { label = "Go to ROOF", value = "teleport_to_roof"}


}, function(data, menu)

    local action = data.current.value

    if action == "teleport_to_casino" then

        print("TELEPORT TO CASINO")

    elseif action == "teleport_to_roof" then

        print("TELEPORT TO ROOF")



end, function(data, menu)end)


options  = {

        position = vector3(), -- Position is a headache, I hope with the editor you can understand it faster.

        rotation = vector3(), -- Rotation is a headache, I hope with the editor you can understand it faster.

        scale = vector3(), -- Scale: X = Horizontal; Y = Vertical; Z = ?

        values = vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), --(Some values are not yet understood, always must be 1.0)

        heading = 1, -- WIP (Some values are not yet understood)

        canClose = false -- WIP



CAUTION! This command not require permissions for use.

  • /scaleditor
    Keys: Arrows, Q, E, X, L, G, F, Y, U for move scaleform.


This is a test script, so you can experiment with it. I recommend using PolyZone to check when to load / unload the HUD.


I give the corresponding credits to the original author (Negbook) of this script in its 2D version


Download from Github


good job!

Wow, this is as unique as it gets, love seeing how creative ppl can get!