[FREE] [QB] JobAuth (Multijob Script)


An Immersive Multijob Script with Admin/Boss Control


Demo Version 5 USD Requires
YouTube 1.0.1 Tebex (FREE) QBCore

Does NOT use Escrow


  • Updated 6/2/22: Now supports qb-management. You can turn this on/off in the Config file. When a boss hires/fires/promotes someone, it will automatically handle their authorization as well.


Admin or Boss control

Admins can create new jobauth points as well as authorize and unauthorize players from obtaining certain jobs. You can set which admin rank can use this within the config.lua

Job Bosses can also authorize/unauthorize players at will. This allows bosses to control who can come and go as they please.

Grade Authorization

You can authorize players to acquire the job at a specific grade level. For example, you can authorize police officers to obtain the rank of “Sergeant” by setting their job authorization to police and 2.

Anyone with a grade authorization will reobtain the job at the highest authorized grade.

Optional qb-management Integration

Set Config.useManagement to true if you want authorizations to be handled automatically by job bosses when they hire/fire or promote someone.


/jobauth new/allow/deny/list id job grade(default 0)

This command allows bosses and admins to authorize the job.


Config.newPoint = 'god'
Minimum rank needed to add new jobauth points

Config.adminCommand = 'admin'
Minimum rank needed to use /jobauth without being a boss

Check out my other scripts:

PedDesigner: Customized Peds
FyreStores: Buy & Sell
BlueWeb - Police MDT
TextSigns - Placeable Signs (Non-Escrow)

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Uses Escrow Yes
Code Accessible All except 1 file
Subscription No
Updates Lifetime
Support Via Discord
Lines of Code About 900

would there still be a possibility to get the one with boss menu intergration even tho that would make everyone hired have authorization?

I can include it as an optional thing. Give me a few to see if I can figure it out. Should just be a simple hook!

Added, tested and working! I also fixed a couple of critical bugs thanks to your suggestion :slight_smile:

Enjoy! Updated file is now on Keymaster.

1 Like

I have decided to release this script for free, as everything we’ve released so far has been paid.



Link not Working

Will you be so kind to share it again in the forum with a direct link, that will really make my HALLOWEEN <3


Fixing right now. Our server shut down and I forgot to update the links to these plugins. Sorry about that!


You are great, thankyou for this great contributing for my community. I cant make the usetarget to work so we must rely on the circles. Anyways, it will still be amazing <3