[FREE] [OX] WX Outfit Bag - Quickly change your outfit using an item


Hello, I would like to present you this relatively simple script for changing outfits via item. You basically use the item to place down an “outfit bag” model and then via ox_target you can interact with it. I added two options: “Change outfit” and “Pick up the bag”. This script is also 100% open-sourced on my github!

[GITHUB] Download

:movie_camera: [STREAMABLE] Showcase


:eyes: Check out my other resources!

[PAID] :shield: WX AntiCheat 3.0
[PAID] :herb: WX Drug Selling
[PAID] :pill: WX Drug System
[PAID] :man_mechanic: WX Tuning / Mechanic Job

[FREE] WX Carlock (FIXED)

All of my resources can be found here


someone had already created that script and has more animations, but yours is appreciated.

Any way to change the coord where bag is placed? I want to set outfitbag infront instead of under feet